Friday, February 25, 2011

Still pullin' for Charlie

His sitcom has been cancelled. Sheen won't play the sorry game. He doesn't want fake rehab. He won't let anyone tell him how to spend his cash or have a good time. Charlie could fart in a jar and sell it and make more money than I do in ten years.


A-Gran said...

WOW! I am absolutely stunned that CBS pulled the plug. He had to have done something horrible for them to pull the plug on a show with ratings this high. I'm really gobsmacked that the suits aren't willing to overlook bad behavior for more money. This is history.

miss tia said...

tonya----go to tmz and they have charlie's rants against the creator.....well dlisted have some of 'em too but tmz has the audio and the rants in their entirety...

Angie said...

Did they cancel the whole thing or just end the season? I was thinking it was just the season, but maybe I read it wrong.

Miss Tia said...

whoa...where'd my post with links go?? i linked to dlisted and tmz for tonya.....i will try again and log in via blogger...

tmz with the audio

dlisted with some quotes

tmz has more stories too...

A-Gran said...

Holy. Fucking. Shit. I listened to about 5 minutes of that and it just kept going on. This mother fucker has been around so many 'yes' men and women that he believes his own bullshit. Newsflash, Charlie: If you're buying the coke people are going to agree with whatever stupid bullshit you spout.

Dirty Disher said...

Crank talk. Snort a mile long, talk until you lose your voice and fuck for 7 straight hours.

Angie said...

If that guy isn't bi-polar, I'll eat my hat.

Miss Tia said...

and he's still spouting off....

an interview he did

A-Gran said...

I am unashamed to admit that I haven't enjoyed such a public unraveling since an unmedicated Britney Spears shaved her head. Please continue, Charlie...

CatsPaw said...

Special? Winning? Clean?

Hah. Never have I been so glad to be such a little people loser.

Anonymous said...

He's fast becoming a trainwreck looking for a place to crash. Out of touch with reality will be a tough lesson someday for him.

just wondering said...

Been there & done that. He's clearly been up for days and is on the manic end of it. He's probably grinding his teeth and twitching by now if he hasn't passed out.

He's smoking coke isn't he? That's a full time job right there. I have to wonder how he still manages to get his dick up.

just wondering said...

He's 45, right? He's heading full speed right smack into a heart attack.

Anonymous said...

This megalomaniacal fuck needs to STFU and GO AWAY!!!