Thursday, March 10, 2011


I've come up with the perfect line for those assholes who block you with their grocery cart. I look them right in the eye, smile and say, "You're so important!" Don't give a shitty smile either, do it nice. By the time they realize you're calling them out, you're already in the next aisle. It's hilariously satisfying. If you happen to run into them at the check out, they won't make eye contact.


Dirty Disher said...

I liked that pic, it pretty much looked like my cart, only I wouldn't buy that much meat in a week.

miss tia said...

that's a great line, but i couldn't deliver it nicely....i'll stick with my bitch standard by '2 words 3 syllables EXCUSE ME'...

it always pisses me off when i am close to the shelves and have heavy stuff in my cart and someone expects ME to move for them when they could easily go around me.....

i've gotten to the point where if someone says excuse to me, i'll thank them for being polite! it's so rare!!!

common courtesy is a lost art form i believe....

Dirty Disher said...

I understand that you can get distracted, but, mostly people are just rude and think they live alone on the planet. When someone leaves their cart sideways in an aisle and makes me wait? Really? What cunts.

miss tia said...

yeah, people are fucking rude....they go down the middle of the aisle, put the cart sideways...and think they are the only inhabitants and there is not another special snowflake like them and we should all bow and courtesy and stand in awe of them....fuck that....

Dirty Disher said...

LOL Special snowflake. I like that, I might use it. I have a hard time controlling what I say now. Sometimes I just say what I'm thinking out loud. It's not good.

Dirty Disher said...

Well, aren't you a special snowflake? How's that?

miss tia said...

sounds good to me!!!

yeah, i have a hard time controlling what i say anymore just say it....

some people would probably think the the special snowflake comment was a compliment!!

A-Gran said...

I'll have to remember this. I really never encounter rude people until tourist season starts. Once they get here then there are a lot of pushers and grabbers. I'll try to remember to do that b/c I love a nice passive-aggressive insult.