And for women in a rush, no worries. There's a new razor with a vibrator on the other end. Now you can remove unwanted body hair and masturbate at the same time. Such a time saver. If you accidentally shave your clit off, the device is only 50% effective. Hmm. Hello, 911, you won't belive this one!
And for women in a rush, no worries. There's a new razor with a vibrator on the other end. Now you can remove unwanted body hair and masturbate at the same time. Such a time saver. If you accidentally shave your clit off, the device is only 50% effective. Hmm. Hello, 911, you won't belive this one!
is this for real? I guess if you are trying to say hide your toy from the kids or something. take the blades out.
It's real.
My son found my vibrator while rummaging through my bedroom once and I had to pull the damn thing out and massage my neck with it to make him believe it was for medical purposes. He said, "My dad's girlfriend has one and said it was for masturbating." I said, "Huh, I guess it could be used for that but I never thought of it. Gross." He's 16 now so I'm sure if he remembers that he's probably scarred for life.
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