Friday, March 11, 2011

Exterme Couponing..TLC (again)

Here's another ridic show about assholes..Extreme Couponing on TLC. These nuts act like they're heros and here's how I feel. If you spend 80 hours a week looking for deals, buy coupons in the mail at $70 bucks a pop and spend every waking hour looking for coupons or shopping for free items..that's called a job. Fuck you, nothing's free. And there is no reason on Earth why your fat ugly ass needs 2,000 rolls of toilet paper. Or 7, 000 boxes of stockpiled pasta. That shit will just breed mealy worms. You piss everybody off. You tie up the lanes in the grocery for hours, you make everyone sick and you look like a pig. Getting everything free is NOT what coupons are for, and you know it. You are basically just a big fat hog stealing groceries. AND, you take every bargain item off the shelves so that normal people can't even get a box of laundry detergent or cereal. You pretty much make me sick. Coupon hog.


miss tia said...

yeah, that shit has never made sense to me.....spending money to BUY coupons, spending HOURS, all to get stuff FREE that they either don't use or will never be able to use because it'll go bad before they get around to using it...."but it was free"....well my "fuck off" is free, no coupon needed....

Dirty Disher said...


bima said...

that lady needs coupons for Diet pills and laxative.

Dirty Disher said...

She was one ugly weirdo. She looked like she'd been in an explosion.

just wondering said...

just a different kind of hoarding.

Susan said...

Exactly, it's just a different kind of hoarding! We watched a snippet of a show last week where a guy had 5 years of bodywash stashed...who in the hell needs 5 years of bodywash stashed away??

I don't know who's more stupid, the extreme couponers or the ones who make the shows about them.

Corina said...

my thing is, if i'm not willing to pay full price, i probably don't need it. food is a different story, but there's no reason why you need that much food stashed... gross.

Frimmy said...

I agree, it's still hoarding. Time is money too. My sister travels from one supermarket to the next on a route only buying what's on sale and I thought THAT was excessive. It starts to be not much of a saving if you've invested several hours and driven that many miles - in town - to save a few pennies.

Anonymous said...

Most I saved on a coupon was $1.61.

Noelle said...

yeah this is a sick obsession.

Dirty Disher said...

You can't extreme coupon here anyway. We have no selection and there's no such thing as in store coupons and crap. But, everytime something's a real bargain, hogs take it all. These hog shows piss me off.

miss tia said...

and they are probably totally greedy grubs and wouldn't even donate a granola bar to charity either!



Unknown said...

Thats a freaking waste. Its going to spoil, go rotten or unusable. She should pack it up and give it away. Unless she plans on eating mac and cheese and donating cheep food to a charity.

Peg said...

It must be a hobby for people who look like mutants because the first one was exactly like that. I swear this one couple was slightly retarded. One guy had enough tooth brushes to last a lifetime. Two whole shopping carts filled with toothbrushes. WTF? He had a cart filled to the top with stick deodorant. He cleared every container of deodorant off the shelf and said he had enough for 5 years. My guess is after the first year of sitting in his hot garage it's going to be totally rock hard and dried out.

He also bought a giant skid of corn flakes. There was just him and his wife.

They also talk about stores with double coupon days. That must be a Southern thing because there isn't one store in this whole state that does double coupons.

I think these people think they are doing a service and this show will teach people how to coupon. In reality it's another case of TLC exploiting people with a mental problem and making fun of them in a back handed way.

Bayou Jane said...

I applaud anyone who is organised enough to do this, but at some point, enough is enough. No matter how much money you save, you can only use so much of a product before it goes bad. Give the stuff to charity and help feed some hungry kids. People are being laid off work and can use a helping hand. I hope they will at least share with their friends and families. There are all types of greed out there.

Anonymous said...

Some people will use the coupons for others advantage too tho. There is a mom here who runs a local site (mash up mom)who tells you how to use the coupons and which store has the best deal for that coupon. If she gets the items for free she does donate a portion to the local pantry

A-Gran said...

The only problem I have with this is taking ALL the items. That's not fair to everyone else who wants to save too!