Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Frickin' Idiots

Brooke Permanent BitchFace had to have the cops go snatch her twins from Charlie and his "Goddess's". But, I wondered yesterday, where the hell is she? Who leaves their kids with Charlie Sheen? Noo, that's not odd. She's too busy making reality shows with the Hilton's to give a shit. Oh, and "recovering" from drugs. Yeah, that's how I quit drugs, by hanging out with the likes of Paris Hilton. Pfffft. But, if Brooke gets the boys, she also gets $55,000 a month in child support. Jesus, it pays to be a baby carrying gold digger these days. They probably had a lot of fun at Charlie's house. The "Goddess's" knew if they didn't, there would be no lines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Can't you hear it? "Change those kids pants or I'll cut it with baby powder, I swear I will!" Yes, Charlie. I can't wait for the "I'm so stressed" single mother article from BitchFace.


miss tia said...

and she's not even taking care of the kids! they're with her mother!! she says she'll see them 4 hours a day.....

and she's in an in-house rehab place, making the reality show with the hiltons---yeah paris hilton is just a model of sobriety! HAH! how many times has she been caught with coke?

i feel bad for the kids....

Barbara in VA said...

My gut tells me the kids were in a better situation with Charlie and the "girls" than with Brooke, who seems very self-centered, addicted (to drugs and fame) and would probably throw those kids to the wolves to make a buck.

I think Charlie may be just playing everybody, the media?

Dirty Disher said...

I agree. They were better off with him.

miss tia said...

i hope charlies gets the boys legal cockblock to get an order to take the boys without allowing him to be able to respond to that....

bet she wanted them to appear on a reality show too....

he's got the money to legally fight this....

Unknown said...

I guess you could say born in holly-weird grow up screwed up like your creators. This is one situation hopefully the kids are with a nanny/babysitter all the time. Both parents are in major denial.