Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's pissin' YOU off?

EveryFuckingBudy is pissing me off. Goddamn stupid family, goddamn stupid loud hillbilly neighbors, goddamn loud neighbor's stupid dogs, goddamn stinking cats on my roof, goddamn retarded country music from my neighbor's truck blasting, stupid square dancing in the driveway cocksuckers...everything. Oh, dumbass goddamn stupid celebrities..wtf? What or who is pissing you off? Let it rip!


Anonymous said...

Stupid sales people piss me off.

Decided I was in the market for a piano. I like the look of the Yamaha upright models so that's what I decided on. Went to Craigslist and found a couple for sale in my area but decided to check out the new ones at the local dealer. Walked in the door and was decended on by a sales guy. Told him I what I was interested in and he shows me the model. Says "MSRP $10,000". He then tells me that he can sell me that model for $7,625 plus tax and delivery. I swallow hard and reach into my pocket where I printed off the same model from Craigslist - used but in good condition for $4,000. I get the expected lecture about how evil Craigslist is and that it's a dumping ground for used piano's and porn. Then the sales guy pulls me into a hallway out of ear shot of his manager or co-worker and tells me that he can actually offer me the same rate they give the Chinese customers that come in of $6,680 which also includes tax. I guess the Asian's and their little piano protogy offspring don't mess around with price barter so they have a set price for Asian's. I am thinking WTF at this point and it's pissing me off that buying essentially what will probably turn into an accessory in my living room after I learn how to plunk out "twinkle twinkle little star" would cost me less if my peeps sent over lead poison toys for my kids to play with.


Dirty Disher said...

They have a lower price for Asians? Fuck that!! What assholes. I wouldn't buy anything there. I'd print that up and tape it outside their door so everyone knows.

Also, I am cheap and poor. I'd find an old upright for free, have it tuned and see if anyone liked to play before I bought the express model. That's me though.

Dan Zinski said...

I'm never pissed off.

miss tia said...

yeah sugar, i'd get a casio keyboard....they have piano mode....about $100....start off with that to see how much you play, etc before getting something expensive....

i've finally been able to get to studying for what i have to do for grad school....had a psychic vampire and had to extract myself and re-energize myself....very draining....and i'm sort of pissed at myself for getting in that situation and for allowing it to continue for as long as it did.....

other than that.....my cholesterol is finally under control---down to excellent #s!! someone sent me a sunnyvale ricky 420 hockey shirt---dunno who did, it was anonymous and it's AWESOME! i got my netflix back and i've been 'praising the LORD' a la Jack Lord and it is so nice to be able to relax with dvds again! :)

in times of stress, trouble and turmoil, you learn who your true friends are! and i have made some incredibly awesome friends here!!!! THANK YOU PAT!!!

Dirty Disher said...

Did you buy a spell at the witch store? Heh heh.

miss tia said...

hah! that witch store!! what a joke!!! now THAT place pisses me off!!!

Anonymous said...

Piano update....

Sales person just called me to tell me that the price (yes, the price for people with almond shaped eyes, small pee-pee's and flat chests) actually includes delivery (knock another $250 off the price). Thankful for caller ID so I could let the call go to voice mail.

Thanks for the suggestion Tia. I once had a clavinona (not sure how to spell it) and it was cool - tons of settings for various effects like pipe organ, strings, drums, grand piano. Proplem with it is they are also pricy and not much to look at if you're planning a room around it. I also had 10 years of lessons as a kid so I am hoping with some dedicated practice and some refresher lessons I can get back into it.


Miss Tia said...

blogger ate my comment....

anyway....apologies sugar...you had said you would probably learn to pluck out twinkle twinkle so i assumed you didn't know how to play....

Bayou Jane said...

I pissed because there has been a rash of dead dolphins that have been showing up on the gulf beaches. In La. alone there have been 67 since the first of the year. And get this, 35 of those have been premature births or newborns. Some others have been related to the births---I guess that would be the moms. I don't know of any other way they could be related. I thought that was a strange statement. Don't know if it has anything to do with the oil spill, but it seems reasonable. It's just a sad situation.

Also...did anyone hear anything if Banksy showed up at the Oscars?

Miss Tia said...

i bet it does have to do with the oil spill...FUCK BP!!!

didn't hear if banksy showed up....he probably was there though incognito....

bima said...

I just found out that my Selfish, Idiot, Self Centered, Inconsiderate, BIBLE BEATING SISTER in Atlanta is moving to China next month! Why, cuz Jesus told her too! Whatever, she never calls me or my other sisters, cuz we are worldly heathens! She just told my Mom. Whatever.

Noelle said...

square dancing in the street? I don't have time to let it rip right now but it is piling up. stay tuned. :)

Silvia said...

I'm quite cynical. I don't believe that is the price for Asians. That's what he said to you to explain the lower price. If it really was the Asian price, why would he offer it to you? Are you his long-lost sister? & then he called your house. He saw that you wouldn't go for full-price so he'd rather get a small commission than no commission. That's exactly the kind of craziness you get from car salesmen. They'd rather lie than tell you the truth. I've had car salesmen call me at home with weird reasons that they were suddenly able to go below the price they were losing money on. Even appliance stores run the same scams. I hate salespeople. (I was a salesperson when I was in school. I didn't do well because I couldn't lie.)

Miss Tia said...

well yeah, good points silvia.....

how'd he get your #??? you said you were pissed about the asian price and who could blame you there....but you still them your contact info?

Angie said...

Well, I went almost all day without being pissed off, but luckily, my son just blew me off for dinner, so I can join in on the fun. Not so much pissed off at him as just pissed that I spent the time making the damn dinner. Had I known an hour earlier that he had forgotten, I would have had a bowl of cereal and called it a good night.

Dirty Disher said...

Bima, I wish Jesus would tell my family where to go.

Unknown said...

I'm pissed at the world for dealing me a shitty hand. I'm pissed at my husband for fucking up my life and taking away my forever after. I'm pissed at my kids for getting in trouble/not doing well in school when all I ever ask of them is don't lie to me and make decent grades! I'm not asking for a freaking valedictorian, just C's!!! Just be average!!! Just don't be a complete freakin failure! Not to mention it's not like I don't have enough on my plate from all the crap I'm dealing with my husband... my kids want to pile it on! I'm pissed at our government for being complete freakin' ass morons who can't make a sound decision to better our future but want to destroy us even further and micro manage every aspect of our lives! I'm pissed at the economy because I can't get a job. I'm pissed at my dad for being the drunken idiot that started my life of turmoil when I should have just been able to enjoy my childhood. I'm pissed at my mom for staying and allowing it all to happen. I'm pissed at the close minded bible thumpers in my town and the world that want to repress so many people from being who they are. I'm pissed at myself for not making different choices in life because my choices have led me to where I am. Dang! Did I leave anybody out??

Bayou Jane said...

John Galliano pisses me off. He is just too creepy to look at! I hope no one hires him. And this has nothing to do with his latest antics.
He just gives me the willies!!!!

A-Gran said...

Bayou Jane, that story made me indescribably sad. I see that the government has OK'd drilling in the gulf again? Not sure cuz I just saw a headline.
Steph, if I knew you I would come over with martinis. I'll bet you got some stories to tell. I can commiserate with a lot of that shit. Yeah, Cs shouldn't be that fucking difficult. That's all I asked for too. Cs and no trouble. Didn't work for me either.

Unknown said...

I've tried to tell him, when I was his age, I was partying with the seniors, making out with boys, getting pregnant and raising him and I STILL managed to keep my grades up without much effort at all!!!! I have had to take everything away from him so that he has nothing else to do but focus on school. I know he is smart, he just doesn't give a damn. How do you make a child that doesn't care.....care? That is my dilemma. I have just come to the conclusion that I totally understand how people end up being addicts. Life can just plain suck. I really honestly don't know ANYONE who has been married for an extended period of time that is truely happy. Everyone just goes through the motions. Everyone just sacrifices their own happiness for whatever reasons they think are worth it ( for my mother, it is medical insurance) and I am no different. I just deal with it all because I'm not ready to make major changes to mineor my childrens lives. I adore my kids but sometimes I fantasize about being single and responsibility free so that I could go and do anything I wanted. I wouldn't have to stay in this podunk town chained by the shackles of responsibility. Tonya, if I knew you, I would love the company... getting my drink on by myself is getting stale!

Unknown said...

BTW... I am convinced, if I ever write a book about my life, it will for sure be a best seller!

Anonymous said...

30-something recovering from total hysterectomy IN THE HOSPITAL-

How many asshats are going to ask me if I have babies???

Stupid people always piss me off.

Oh, and the boss who told me I had TWO options regarding my job. Option 1-Don't have surgery. Option 2-Take a medical leave of absence, but I won't hold your job. (only been an employee for 9 months!)

Sprite (without the fizz)

A-Gran said...


My son doesn't care either. I have no idea how to get through to someone who just doesn't care. He never has. Doesn't matter what I took away or what I did. Nothing made a difference. It never has.

Anonymous said...

Awww Sprite....your boss sounds like a jerk! Damn, a hysterectomy is serious stuff! Not like you wanted time off to have a boob job!!


Dirty Disher said...

DAMN! These are my people! We're all pissed off!

Steph, give those kids to thier father and run like the wind!! They are sucking the life out of you. Get a job in Vegas dealing cards!

Sprite..been there. Get well soon. Go to the gift shop and get a teddy bear. Shove it up the ass of the next person who bugs you.

Noelle said...

I'm pissed off the stupid media is so fascinated with Charlie Sheen he's just a tweeking junkie. All the attention is only encouraging him and I think it's boring and pathetic. He's is lying and babbling. 7 grams at one sitting. Sure ya did Charlie. Who cares! Too bad, the show was funny. John Crier was why so MOVE ON!

I was pissed yesterday at Yellow pages advertising such a rip off. Does anyone even use a phone book anymore?

Dirty Disher said...

7 grams? Pfft. Lightweight.

Carrie said...

I am super pissed at a situation here in Houston. Don't know if you have heard about it, I know it has made national news. A 22 year old scum ran a day care in her home and was caring for 7 babies under the age of 3. On Thursday, she left a pan of oil on the stove and went to the store to shop with no one else in attendance. She returns home to find her home in flames, 3 children dead, the other 4 in really bad shape. She first tells the cops she was in the bathroom and when she opened the door she saw the flames. Then she claimed she had gone to the store but left another adult in charge. Pictures on the evening news of little tiny bodies lying on the front yard with big firemen trying to revive or save them. Horrible beyond words. Then neighbors claim they saw her return home from shopping and open the front door to see the flames and smoke and started screaming. The firemen who first responded sent for arson. They knew immediately something was not right. They went to our illustrious DA and asked for charges to be pressed against this person so she could not run. They said 'not enough evidence'. The fire and police went to the DA's office 4 TIMES seeking charges and by the time they filed them she had fled the country and is in Nigeria.

So, yeah, I am pissed beyond words that someone could be so stupid as to leave oil on a hot burner and go shopping leaving these babies trapped in their cribs to either burn to death or die from smoke inhalation. 3 died that day and a 4th died a few days later. The others are in critical condition. There just are no words for this person.

There are also no words for this despicable DA and her other people who refused to AT LEAST detain this scum before she could run. SCUM. Don't get me wrong, who wants to go to prison for life, but good holy cow we are talking 7 lives, 4 of them gone, the others in pain and facing very uncertain futures, devastated families. And, here's the corker -- the DA is livid that anyone could question her division of doing anything wrong. Freakin' politicians.

Carrie said...

Oh, and I forgot, they have the video from Target of her entering and leaving the store and the time stamp and they have her credit card receipt for what she bought and showing she was there at the time of the fire. And the DA says they had no evidence to arrest her?????

Miss Tia said...

i read about that....what in the hell was so damn important to buy she left babies alone with oil on the stove?????? i wanna know what she went to buy....

that's just a heartrending situation and that woman should be charged and sentenced to death....there's no excuse...

Silvia said...

The car salesmen didn't use that line about a special price for Asians, but it was always something just as asinine. Keep in mind that I'm just a "girl" so they figured they had a sucker on their hands. When you go car shopping, the stickers are just starting points. They won't start telling you the price until you sit down & then you can start haggling. First they want your contact info. (Always ask what the price will be with taxes & everything added in, otherwise they'll add in all sorts of bogus fees.) They'll tell you that's the lowest they can possibly go (after they walk away & have a fake convo with the "manager". Anyway, never agree to the price, leave & wait for the phone call. He always want to sell it more than you want to buy it & there are plenty of other cars out there.

Steph & Sprite I'm sending good thoughts your way & hoping for the best. I think DD has way better words for you than I do LOL

Noelle said...

That Houston story is sooo upsetting.