Thursday, March 10, 2011


Charlie Sheen has taken over the world and if you ask me, it says more about the state of the world than Charlie. At first he amused me, that 20/20 interview was funny as hail. But, now he's bored and just ranting gibberish. And the world still stops to hear it. The media is his slave. And he sounds a lot like that dude across my back yard who talks to himself until he runs out of dope and goes inside to sleep for a few days. Maybe if I brandish my atheme on the town square and start yelling shit like "The purple Wisteria drips bitter sadness upon my outdated heart and the world, overcome by stupid, interprets it in a non timely fashion, for I am light years beyond yee who dare to go head to head with my superior Martian brain, and you are to burn in a moldering heap and be shoveled up by your big water headed children, and cast into mediocre wasteland of duh"..maybe someone will give me a radio show and put me on every news channel. Or..I'll get a nice vacation in the local nut hut. Either way.


Angie said...

I can't believe in this age of mental health awareness, that someone hasn't locked this guy down and forced some lithium down his throat. Why hasn't his family stepped in?

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, please. Charlie isn't doing anything half the goofy population isn't doing. It's the world medias problem for paying attention to him.

Angie said...

I agree that the media is making things much worse, but that guy is not your run of the mill goofy, because if he were, he wouldn't have been able to maintain for as long as he has. I'll bet money that he's previously been on meds and is now off them. I've seen bi-polar and Charlie is a classic manic.

Noelle said...

Yeah it is so dumb the time the media is giving this poor boy. Dumb dumb dumb. I really don't watch. I did see a headline "Charlie Picks his Replacement on Men" who did he pick I didn't get to read it. curious....

I think the family is done stepping in instead giving Charlie a great big scoop of tough love. Tough.

miss tia said...


these are now part of my vernacular!

Dirty Disher said...

No shit, me too. I'm going to scream it at people.

Bayou Jane said...

DD...I don't know if that rant would get you your own show or not, but I gaurantee you they will give you a wide berth as you walk through town. It might be worth it!

Dirty Disher said...

They already do.

Anonymous said...

The only reason the media are hovering over Charlie is because they're expecting the worst to happen at any moment and want to make sure they've got a front row seat.

Sadly, I think they'll get their wish.

A-Gran said...

I disagree, Anonymous. I think he'll be just fine. That's part of the reason I've lost all interest in Charlie Sheen. If he were going to self destruct there would have been more than him just ranting. I agree with the person who said he's off his meds.

Anonymous said...

You were saying?