Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Giorgio Armani's Water of Life

"Water is the basis of everything. Without it, well, we couldn't live. It's our duty to guarantee that to every human being," explained Armani.
Bla bla, duuh. Armani is giving water to children every time someone buys his overpriced perfume and wearing a shirt that says Water Is A Right in his fall show. And all the rich cunts who've starved themselves for years sit around and sip champagne and pat themselves on the back for helping the world by looking like everyone else. And when you get down to it, it's still a piece of material wrapped around a stick. Fashion has gone from being art to being just another billboard for the bored.


Anonymous said...

My gosh...if I had to come up with new designs every season, I suppose eventually I would come up with this.

Extreme fashion trendsetting is for the insecure and the adventurous. I just like my jeans and sneakers for everyday, and classics for office, evenings and other things. They always look good and I always feel good wearing them.

Frimmy said...

Why can't he just donate without someone having to buy his shit? That would be real altruism.

Dirty Disher said...

Because he's a cunt. Telling us we need water to live..jesus.

Frimmy said...

Oh and that dress looks like flotsam wrapped around a stick floating in the Mississippi. Staying on the theme of water.

miss tia said...

more like shit floating in a sewer....

we need water to live? REALLY? wow....he go to school to learn that???? what a genius!

and it always sticks in my craw how these multi-billion dollar corporations will 'donate' things to worthy causes only if you buy their stuff.....stupid fucks.....

Bayou Jane said...

I thought she looked like a squaw that got in a fight with a hawk!
Sorry if I'm not PC!

I was water should be blue, but the mention of the muddy Miss. cleared that up!

notherrealname said...

I hate that "buy something and we'll donate" crap. Just donate and do it because it's the right thing to do, not to build your business. Don't disguise a sale as altruism or philanthropy. I never participate in that game with companies.

Unknown said...

gaga could make that in her sleep. She would just add some cum, blood, crap and piss on it and call it a day.

Love how fashion designers get a name. Than they start making fantastic things. Than after awhile they get so big that their head POPS. There items start going down hill and people still in the upy up think they are fab. Look a white bed sheet with a few spots.. ahhh fantastic. So real.