Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm sick of the Warlock thing

Charlie Sheen keeps calling himself a Warlock and I've seen several articles where "real" Warlocks and communities of Warlocks are upset with him. Give me a break. There is no such thing as a Warlock and there are no communities of Warlocks. It's not a title that is used or accepted by practitioners of Magik. In fact, it connotates those who are immature, not studied and well, silly. It's embarrassing that people believe this crap. Charlie is just being Charlie..the media needs to get a clue and stop making up these ridiculous stories. It confuses people who don't understand Magik and we've had enough trouble being accepted as a legitimate peaceful belief system without this garbage.


Noelle said...

Isn't this all getting a little tired. I really hope Charlie gets his shit together and gets back to the work we love. You know he has just been having a chemical imbalance. (some lame Hollywood explanation)

Charlie then can just keep his crazy to himself.

I thought Alex Baldwins advice was good, and he's a little nuts. He's probably figured it out. Keep the crazy off of youtube. :)

Dirty Disher said...

It is tired. And Charlie just has an odd sense of humor and I think that combined with him being pissed off..well, no one should take all of it seriously. People are so quick to jump on the crazy wagon.