Every one's talking about the Japanese nuclear plants. Really? Well, what the fuck are you planning on doing about it? You gonna run over there and drop a box of baking soda on it or what? I think we should accept the fact that politics and industry have fucked our planet in the ass with no lube, put our heads between our legs and kiss our sorry butts si-yo-fuckin-nara. Oh, gee whiz, maybe if I recycle another shopping bag, that will help? Ya think? We have the oil industry totally wrecking all our water, idiots chopping down our major source of oxygen, greedy poons building radiation plants in quake zones and clueless celebrities constantly raising millions of dollars which never get to a disaster designation and the Duggers keep popping out babies. The Duggers new baby might be the source of the Tsunami. Dugger uterus knocked the Earth off it's axis. Insensitive? Oh, I just lost my job with Aflak. Waaaa. Someone should cook that mother fucking duck and feed it to celebs and politicians..it's probably full of tasty radiation.
yep....we are fucked....
I wonder where all the rich fuckers who got rich fucking us and our planet think they're going to spend their billions when the Earth is destroyed?
in their secret bunkers 30 miles below earth with the mole people....
I keep seeing that the world is ending on May 21, 2011 on billboards here in LA. Do you have those over there? So I don't really care what is happening any more. I accidently told Kanye West not to park on the wrong side of the street, cuz it was street cleaning day and he would get a ticket. Didn't know it was him till it was too late. Fucker moved his car, a 350,000 mercedes maybach to save 60 bucks.! oh, well, at least I won't have to pay Citibank credit card bill once the world ends, yahhh!
Holy shit Bima! You met Kanye? Did you bow??
Tia, speaking of mole people, I was watching some documentary on you tube about NYC tunnel dwellers. Mole people..interesting and creepy. Yeah, the rich bitches can go there and spend thier dollars. Everyone will be a radiated freakazoid.
Humans are a greedy species. Greed is the reason we got to this point, and greed is the reason we will eventually destroy ourselves.
You can blame rich people, you can blame corporations, religion, government, media...the fact is that greed is an inherent human trait and therefore we are pretty much destined to consume ourselves to death.
There would be no nuclear plants if the average person didn't demand electricity--if we all just stopped using it. Likewise, if the actual costs associated with energy production and consumption, like war and pollution, were actually passed on to the end user, we would ALL be forced to use a lot less because we couldn't afford it.
I'm not saying all people are equally to blame for this mess we are in, far from it. What I am trying to say is that life has been less frustrating for me once I accepted the fact our human race is doomed no matter what.
Save the Whales!
ps. I agree, idiots like the Duggers ARE serious enemies of our planet. They are a threat to all of us and should be treated as such, not celebrated.
The "celebs" will hold a telethon and then they can preach that they are doing their part to save the world...when they ask OTHERS for money!
I was afraid to make eye contact with him! Hardy Har!!! What a stupid shit his is! he seemed like a scared ass without his 500 lb bodyguards around him. Oh, there is another 150,000 dollar mercedes out at harley's house (harley pasternak "trainer to the dumbass stars") today. so, maybe it's lady gaga or katy perry, who knows.
I have no problem with building nuclear power plants---if they are done right. Building in a notorious quake zone is just plain beyond stupid. The generators that should have cooled the core could not work after the tsunami because the walls built to protect it were 30 ft high and of course the wave was 40 ft. If you have to depend on the generators, I would think you would consider putting it in a maybe a water tight building (or something). The really smart people would have to figure it out.
Safety would have to be the #1 priority and I'm sure safety has been the top concern but obviously they didn't think about all the "what if's"!!! And I guess there will always be a "what if". Again, that's why I say the REALLY smart people would have to handle it.
A lot of people don't like the wind turbines---they say they are ugly.
I think they are beautiful.
Solar power...I can't think of a down side to that. If industry keeps working on it, maybe one day we all could afford it and we wouldn't need those big old power plants. Yeah!!! Who thinks the owners of those big old power plants will ever let THAT happen?
Let's face it people, we are more than likely screwed!!!
I like the look of wind turbines too. But they kill thousands of birds, they make an annoying noise, and they cast huge flickering shadows that are infuriating if you live near them.
I hope geothermal and solar is where the future is.
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