Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Penis gummies for Suri

Katie and Suri out at an NYC restaurant and Suri helped herself to some counter candy. It happened to be Penis Gummies. LOL! Either Suri can't read, which is impossible since Katie has already told us she's a tri-lingual genius who's already finished her first novel in Latin, OR...this is the candy she sees Daddy eating. In his closet. Either way, Suri didn't head for home until well after midnight. Well done, Suri.


miss tia said...

i'd like to know why the digitally boxed out the flavor of the penis!?!?

and wtf is going on with her mom that she didn't notice this?!?!?!??!

Dirty Disher said...

We're not adult enough to see a cartoon penis, I guess. It would tramatize us. Suri can look though. Oh, seems Suri has a purse holder, he also holds her lollipops when she gets tired of licking them.

Anonymous said...

After seeing this kid suck a pacifier this week it's nice to know that she's learing a trade and sucking something that might pay the rent.

Dirty Disher said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww. You'll burn in hell. LOLOLOL!

just wondering said...

Picture with dick intact. How did Katie not see this? Are they drugging her? That's just nasty...

Bayou Jane said...

Two thoughts: 1) Katie is trying to prepare Suri for when she (accidently) sees the little man in the buff. Same size and his might be green also.
2) What kind of place do they eat at that has that kind of counter candy.

Alison said...

Katie probably saw this but she didn't give a shit, 1. because she is a zombie and 2. because she probably knows that whatever Suri wants, Tom's "people" will buy for her. I doubt Katie has any say in the matter.