Monday, March 21, 2011

Steve miller Band - Abracadabra

I almost forgot this and then was reminded forces I don't understand. This is for you. Who ever you are.


Dan Zinski said...

I can't even begin to convey how much I hate Steve Miller.

Frimmy said...

I was going to mention to Crabbie that I forgot this song on my list.

I wonder how you came to be reminded of it, DD.

Dirty Disher said...

I have been hearing this faintly. It was so soft, it took me awhile to realize what I was hearing. When I registered what it was, I told no one. Then, Lissa started saying abracadabra. I asked her where she heard it and she didn't know. She asked me what it meant and I said it's a pretend magic word. She said, no, I think it's music. Then the thought came to me to put it on here. You have been on my mind a lot Frim. Don't know why. Is something going on?

Frimmy said...


miss tia said...

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will go through times when i'll put it on repeat on my winamp and listen to it for hours at a time!!!!!!


Bayou Jane said...

Sorry Crabbie, I have to go with the oldies! I like the Steve Miller Band! It seems like you have figured out where it has come from, now why?

Love the header!

miss tia said...

i like the new header too...

now i've got this song on repeat again....

escrow said...

I'm with Crabbie. No talent every song sounds the same band!

SolitaryAngel said...

I love this song!!

Also LOVE the new header, DD!!

Bayou Jane said...

I also like ZZ Top. I like all of their songs. But if you put them all together in one big song, I probably couldn't divide them. There are a lot of bands like that. They find a sound and they stay with it. When I want something different, I play a mixed CD. But, I still like the bands. My husband and I used to argue about that. He could rattle off ever band and all the members they ever had---I couldn't. But, like art, I know what I like!

Dirty Disher said...

email me, Frimmy.

A-Gran said...

I wish I hated Steve Miller band. I'm just like 'meh.' Just seems like blah music to me.

CaseyJ. said...

Bayou Jane said...

Thanks for the site Casey. The fact that I followed about 98% of that scares me. I would love to see an MRI of his brain. All the wide open space in there. I love Charlie. I hope something happens to stop the burn---he's already crashed!

Dirty Disher said...

Frimmy, I got your email and I wanted to ask you something, but, I hit delete instead of reply. GDmit, I piss myself off sometimes. Can you resend?