Tamra and Gretchen's fued rages on with them trying to out do each other in classlessness. I think Gretchen is in some money laundering fraud business with worthless pipe layer Slade, but, she continues to insist she's building an empire. Her empire consists of buying cheap mass produced make up and repackaging it with her name on it. She's about as entertaining as a rectal exam with her constant sexual inuendos that pass for wit. Tamra has a new man and she's wisely decided to be a good parent and not introduce him to her children. Instead she put her wrinkled botoxed naked body in a bubble bath with him and made soft porn on national TV. Smart. And classy.
Alexis the Jesus Barbie who lives on Jesus Lane told us how she wants to stay home and take care of kids and be "Bev Cleaver." I wondered who the hell Bev Clever was, but, not extensively, because I know that Jesus Barbie has the IQ of a white dog turd. Between explaining Christianity to me (God says man is the boss, women must obey) and praying, she does have time to pump up her trout lips and beg for good jewelry. Her hubby responded by telling her to get real and buying himself over twenty grand worth of ugly watches. If you're going to be a trophy wife, the idea is to gain monetarily. Instead, Jesus Barbie is a slave to a fat hairy pig and is too dumb to figure out she's wasting her best years and half a million dollars worth of plastic surgery.
There's a new whore in town, Peggy, ( a reject from the rock of love bus) who loves bling and guns. She points out that she rolls the school run in a Bentley instead of a mini van. A good gold digger line. The show is slightly behind real life, so it's already out that she and her check book, err, husband defaulted on their home loan. I guess they can sleep in her fucking Bentley.
The best thing that could happen to this clan of faded gold diggers is a unibomber plants a live one at the next bitch luncheon. And blams the place to smithereens before these whores get their first cocktail. The world would be a better place.
Wow...you typed my thoughts...EXACTLY! A Pig in Prada - Priceless! And Bev Cleaver...? WTF? I had to think for a minute who Bev Cleaver is? LOL!
I think all the women on OC this season are skanks. But I still love to watch it because it is so much fun watching them all make fools of themselves.
I can honesly say I wouldn't trade places with any of them for all the money/fame/beauty in the world.
They are horrible people.
I think Alexis is the worst. Her santimonious Jesus preaching while prancing around in whore clothes for that pig man makes me livid.
So true about OC. I agree 100%. But I still watch it?????Marilyn
Yes, Alexis is the worst I agree. She is an ignorant hypocrite who doesn't begin to understand the simple basics of the faith she professes to love so much.
At it's core christianity is about generosity to others and personal humility. She is EXACTLY the opposite of what she preaches.
She is an imbecile.
I caught about 5 minutes of OC last night. Couldn't watch any longer or I would have gotten sick, switched to CNN instead. I like NY, NJ, DC and ATL (I can laugh at them & they're 'kind of real') but can't stomach OC or Miami... too many plastic Barbies.
I would like to see them all having to live in very small homes for a while. No frills! No help! No luxury! Then they can claim to be real house wifes. Right now, they are just jokes!!!
You think I sound a little bitter?
I live in Orange County and they are bad representations of us out here! They are giving us a bad name!
I would like to say that I for one know that the OC housewives are not representative of only orange county. They represent a certain type of woman from all over the world: the dumb, dyed blond, materialistic bimbo. That "type" is everywhere, even here in Minnesota where I live.
This kind of post is why I read the DD.
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