Gee thanks, Rachael Ray! I'm dying to gag myself and puke so I can use up 20 cents worth of leftover microwave popcorn! How about throw it to the squirrels and eat some real cereal? Or how about I shove it up your fat ass? That would also be good. And while I'm at it, don't most normal meals take about 30 minutes anyway? If it took your family longer than that to make a pork chop or spaghetti, then maybe your family is just slow and 'tarded. Ever think of that?
And yes, I am well aware of how cereals started. This is not some great idea of RR's. It's what people did before cereal when they were dirt poor and starving. Dumb twat.
Ah hobo cereal. Why didn't she say add tap water? mmm than you have a treat. Ahhh and just think she is so famous. She comes up with the dumbest ideas and gets paid for them. Because she is rachael ray. Sicking.
Rachael Ray is full of awesome ideas. Love her.
And I love Kelly Osbourn. She's so smart.
if you dont like it, dont eat it.
Left over Microwave popcorn is gross. Old fashion popcorn (you know the kind popped in oil) leftover still taste like popcorn and is still good. Either way I think this idea is dumb. I agree make some cereal, open some yogurt, put your nuts and berries in it. Old fashion popcorn is still pretty cheap if I don't happen to eat it all I don't mind sharing with the birds and squirrels they like it better than Microwave too.
I can not imagine the looks on my kids faces if I tried that silly trick. I should do it and send it to Ms. Ray.
Eek...lol, I'm damn sure not signing my name because I'm the minority here, but if it weren't for RR, I wouldn't be cooking like I cook now. Not that I cook her recipes alot, but watching her inspired me. Oh well.....blast away. I'm sure it's coming. :(
I was pretty young when my mom died, so I've actually learned a lot from these shows. Mostly dumb little procedures, but it's nice to learn the real reasons why things are done in cooking.
RR has her place. Not everyone can or wants to cook like they will be serving food in some fancy ass restaurant to some snotty, stuckup diners. Good, home cooked comfort food is her schtick and she does it well.
Her show was on the tv once when I was having my tires rotated. She's just too damed happy for me. It's unnatural to smile that much, I think.
Most of her food is fancy-ass, snotty and stuckup. Who has money for parmiggiano reggiano and other expensive shit she uses on a regular basis...
My MIL loves RR, she has two of her recipe books and all her foods except for a few call for way too many things making dinner extremely expensive.
And, she can't cook shrimp. She lets the thing stew on the flame for like ten minutes-way too long for small shellfish. And someone who tells me not to wash mushrooms has little credibility as a cook imo.
You really don't need to wash mushrooms like button and portabella, baby bellas, shitake. They are better if you don't. Just try it once--I have a soft mushroom brush to clean them or you can use a clean dry dish cloth. They turn out so much better on the grill, or cooked in butter if they don't get wet first.
Seriously, I didn't believe it either at first but it's true!
But either way, Rachel is a condescending twit.
5:41:00 PM, everyone has the right to an opinion. Proudly put your name on.
I agree with RR having big money to spend on dinner every night. ALL those TV cooks use outrageously expensive ingriedients that leave me out.
And there is no way I'm not washing my mushrooms. Her logic doesn't make sense. Like the underside isn't dirty?? That's exactly where rain splashes mud into them and insects hide.
I was turned off when RR did 40 dollars a day. She would eat and tip cheap. I'm in the industry I didn't appreciate it and was surprised she didn't know better.
Gosh I've had a boring day I keep chiming in I. That is called rattling.
,,,,,Most of her food is fancy-ass, snotty and stuckup. Who has money for parmiggiano reggiano and other expensive shit she uses on a regular basis...,,,,,
I guess you don't watch Top Chef
Well, I don't wash my mushrooms either.... I inspect them carefully and brush the particles off with kitchen paper.
I am a clean freak when it comes to food and rinse, re-rinse all vegetables and fruits I eat (and whole chicken, etc...). For some reason, mushrooms do not "eek" me out. There are so many things in food we have no control over and eat every day. There can't be that much more in unwashed mushrooms.
Hate RR with a passion. Such a poor excuse for a "chef" and I agree that the $40 a day was a complete insult to the industry.
Not sure what Top Chef has to do with anything.
top chef who?
Well folks, I'm from the northwest where mushrooms are grown in big barns...and they're grown in composted horse poop. I wash mine well!
I haven't watched RR enough to know if I like her cooking but I haven't liked what I have seen so far. I do love her kitchen on the set of her show. I want it.
I want Paula Deen's kitchen. That bitch deserves my kithen.
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