Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tara Reid is hilarious

Usually, I wouldn't make fun of any one's body, unless I just plain hated them. 'Specially when it runs the bony gamut, because frankly, I get sick and tired of fat chicks telling me that skinny girls are ugly and real men like meat on their bones. First, because, doh, men. If it has a vagina, most men will hump it. Stop kidding yourself that they're picky. They're only picky when you're listening. But, Tara Reid is cracking me up with her bikini shoots. Look at that come hither look and saxy eye makeup..all the while two grapefruit halves with separate zip codes are perched precariously atop a malnourished toddler's body with what appears to be two toothpicks holding the whole mess up. The zipper on the bikini bottom is like icing on the cake. Does anyone else think if you actually unzipped that thing, you'd be looking at foliage in the background? Like, there's a giant space of nothingness inside her pants? Saying Tara Reid is sexy is sort of like declaring 'Sharknado' is up for an Oscar. Oh, you can say it all you want. Nothing will make it true. Is she so brain damaged that she thinks this looks good? On the other hand, somewhere out there, some man is jacking to this. Shut up, you know I'm right.


Anonymous said...

She has Barbies thigh-gap. Maybe that's what she is going for. She's kinda looking old. Right? Not attractive. How does she even make a living anymore? They don't make those American Pie movies anymore, do they? I mean, maybe they could make a senior citizens version? She just looks all used up and hung out to dry. Pam Anderson has the same look. Overcooked. Boring. And obsolete.

Jane said...

Now that is what you really call a thigh gap!

Anonymous said...

It's almost a zombie hooker thing she has going on with that look there. She obviously really thinks she looks hot.
I shouldn't criticize. I am looking one hot mess right now. But then again. . . This is Tara Reid we are talking about. Okay. I give myself a pass. She looks used up and tired.

Unknown said...

"Zombie hooker" hahaha! That was great!