Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rare old photos of famous people

HERE is a page of just old photos of famous people. I'd never seen some of them before and I thought they were fascinating. That's Bridgette Bardot with Pablo Picasso in 1956. I also loved the one of Hendrix with Mick Jagger. Which one catches your eye?


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I love this! So many interesting pictures.
I love the one of Audrey Hepburn shopping with her pet deer in Beverly Hills. How many people have pet deer and take them shopping? I wonder if that is the store in BH that we always go to when we stop there?
The one of Queen Elizabeth, in her military uniform is very cool, too. I am sure she wears pants from time to time, but that just looks so out of character for how I usually think of her.
Love the picture of Madonna, Sting and Tupac. I really like Tupac, and Madonna looks like she is really smiling.
Charlie Chaplin is so handsome in that picture with Einstein, and I love any pictures of Amelia Earhart.
The picture of a young Osama with his family, in Sweden is so bittersweet. He looks so happy, and normal. Hard to reconcile that with what he became, and how many people died because of him, and his ideas.
The young Putin creeps me out. He just looks like bad news to me, even young.
I'm going to go back and look at these again, later, when I have time. I don't know why a piano bar in Elton John's plane surprises me, but it does. Also really love the Beatles pictures, playing at the wedding reception, and also on the London rooftop.

Unknown said...

My favorite is the Bardot/Picasso. I've seen some of the others and some are good, but this one is special somehow.

Unknown said...

How about Elton John at his piano bar on his private jet? Geez!

Unknown said...

There are so many great ones. I loved Audrey Hepburn abs get deer, the Star Wars cast, the recording of the lion roar for MGM, The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, Steven Hawking and his bride. These were great.

Jane said...

There are some things my computer won't let me open. I can get the writing telling me who it is, but when the pics come up, it says it's not compatible to something or other. But Christina let me know what some of the pics were about. I'll try to get them some way. I think my computer needs a tune up.

Jane said...

DD, have you ever looked up abandoned mansions on Pinterest. Some are so sad, some not so old, some ancient, some out of this world. And the interiors, so cool. Makes you want to know their story.

Imabastard said...

too bad the pics are tiny.

Noelle said...

WOW those are all pretty fun. I think I would like to zap back to Elton's plane party.