Friday, October 3, 2014

No sympathy for wildlife at the Grand Canyon

Elk at the Grand Canyon have figured out how to work the levers at water stations and are becoming a problem there. Officials are trying new ways to shut the animals out. HERE is the story. It sort of upset me because the animals need water. There isn't a lot of natural water supply in the Grand Canyon, it's pretty dry there. Can't they find a way to make watering stations for these animals? I understand Elk are dangerous to people, but, geez, Elk and other animals need some water in the freakin' desert. I'm not suggesting they build a lake, but, can't they think of some way to help them? I mean, man, the Elk have figured out how to work the spring loaded levers, so can't they put in a few water stations just for the animals? Seems to me, the spring loaded levers would shut off fine after the Elk had a drink and what's left on the ground could be caught and held for other wildlife who can't work levers. No one needs to give me the old 'animals can take care of themselves' speech. There is a
 water shortage going on in many areas now and that's not the animals fault. They need some help. How about a little compassion?

PS, not only do I see an obnoxious ad on here, but, they're highlighting words that lead to more ads. That is NOT me doing this shit, it's blogger. Don't click on any of that crap. It's pissing me off.


Dan Zinski said...

Blogger's not making the ads show up it's malware.

Dirty Disher said...

Crabbie, how do I get rid of it? It has to go or I will.

Anonymous said...

NO!!!! Don't go!!!
I think it's pretty amazing that the elk have learned to use the water spigots. That's amazing stuff.
You are right. There is a shortage of water, and efforts should be made to have animal watering areas available. You would think that funds could be found to do that. If this government can find the funds to try to tarp off Mt. Rushmore last year, they can find funds for animal watering devices. It isn't the animals fault there is a shortage.
I love the Grand Canyon, and it would be a shame if the elk are gone from that area. We were there a year ago last month, and there were lots of elk leading up to the canyon. We also saw a Jackalope, but my husband is denying that particular episode.

Dan Zinski said...

Is it anything like this?

Jane said...

Why can't they do like the cattle farmers do? I'm sure it wouldn't make a big dent in the lack of water, but it would be better than nothing.

Unknown said...

Darned right the animals deserve watering stations. My heart breaks for these critters. I'm sure that's why the community I was going to move to before the fire is having such a bad coyote problem. One of the units I was looking at had a coyote run in the door when the woman opened it to take out her trash and it grabbed her dog. Horrendous. Now my moving to that area is on hold for a very long time until the house is rebuilt next year and then I'll live in it for a while and hopefully sell and move to that community anyway while I still have health to join some of their clubs and classes.