Friday, October 24, 2014

Phillip, the collective mind experiment, documented and real, which created a spirit who was quite real and not always nice

I am putting the entire documentation in here for those of you who wish to read and understand. But, for the impatient, you may skim to the good parts. Do not doubt Philip was real and he was created by a group of ordinary bright individuals as a paranormal experiment. He was given a name, a background story and a life. He did not appear immediately, it took a long time of dedicated concentration and was a group effort. He became quite real. What started out as a lark, some mysterious fun, soon became a full fledged interacting paranormal being and is one of the most documented cases. Was he simply a Poltergeist, feeding off living human energy? ( A projection of confused excess energy.) Was he a Demon that had been waiting for a chance to be called into our world? I do not believe so, as there were no adolescents in the group. And Demonic forces (for lack of a better word, are always evil.) Philip was what my Grandmother warned me about. A Fetch. Fetches are paranormal beings, ghosts if you will, who never had a corporeal body. Fetches are created by gifted people for many reasons, protection, amusement and putting fear into enemies, to name  few. A group of balanced people can easily create a Fetch, if they are dedicated. I remember asking my Grandma, if I could make one, having just learned of Poltergeists and how they fed off a young girls energy. Poltergeist is a German phrase for 'noisy ghost' and sounded harmless. But, Poltergeists are not ghosts at all. Generally, they are a manifestation of excess energy and have no real personality. Unlike a Fetch, who becomes a true thinking being.

But, one thing you must know about ALL Fetches. Though at first, they seem to be friendly and want to please you, as they grow older and stronger, they will demand their independence. In doing so, they become mischevious and finally mean. Evil is not too strong a word. They become harmful. Even deadly. When they can no longer be controlled, they must be contained. It is not possible to destroy a Fetch, they are here to stay. You must think of a way to trick them into being controlled or they will destroy you and everyone in your house after you are gone.

If you don't believe me, fine. But HERE is a documented paranormal experiment and experience with Philip the Fetch. This is not a Halloween story, it is a true story that baffled the participants and noted scientists.

I have to add, that I think unless you are really diligent and know your child, it is quite possible for a kid to create a Fetch thinking he or she is just making an imaginary playmate. There are documented cases of this. Thankfully, they are very rare and more imaginary friends are just figments bored children come up with to have someone to play tea party or match box race track with. But, if odd things start to happen around them, like you're sure you hear distinct voices when you KNOW your kid is alone, spring for the small amount of money to have a sympathetic psychic check it out. I only charge $20 bucks, plus transportation and usually for a child's worry, it's free. Most psychics aren't out to rip you off. We make enough money at adult curiosity parties, not to mention free food and some people make awesome sangria. I always give the kiddos a free three card draw when my clients come in and can't find a babysitter. With parental permission, of course. I've yet to meet a rude child in my reading room. I also keep dollar Glade with a label I print out for ghost and monster busting. it works almost every time. It's free. You can make it yourself, if you want, I'll put on the label, you can print out. If it doesn't work, then I get worried. Fetches are real and they're bitches. Read the article, it will blow your mind. Philip isn't the only case, he's just the most famous.

Happy spooking.


Jane said...

I read tis twice and the way I understand it is they (the group)collectively pulled energy together, gave it a name and personality and made a ghost. But I don't understand how it can be a ghost. I thought a ghost had to have been alive at some point. I know there are some entities that have never been alive but I thought they were demons.
I hate to say this because I know it makes me look stupid, but I am totally confused. I will read it again and give it my full concentration. I was multitasking before---I should know I can't do more than one thing at a time.

What is this "Please prove you are not a robot." thing above my comment identity? Is this something you added or is this my computer trying to screw with me? Man, I don't need any more brain flotsom.

elle said...

Have you seen the horror film The Quiet Ones? It's (very, very) loosely based on this experiment. It's truthfully not a very good movie but if you see the deleted scene where the main character posits the theory that they created an entity because they believed there was one and they were scared of it it does get a little more interesting.
Actually as an aside this makes me think of something I have never told anybody, not even my husband. I just don't know if he'd believe me/look at me like I'm a crazy person. Anyway, when I was a 13/14 year old I started really believing in ghosts/spirits and I started thinking how creepy but cool it would be if our house was haunted (I know, but I was a weird kid). So I started thinking about creepy stuff that could happen around the house and one day it was about time for me to feed the cat. because I was home alone I started thinking about how scary it would be if that door slammed shut. And then a few minutes later it just slammed shut so hard. This is still probably the most terrifying moment of my 27 years. Needless to say the cat didn't get fed until my family got home. I went downstairs hoping I just imagined it but nope door was closed. Anyway over the next few years creepy things that I thought of happened-doors opening, lights going on and off. Then it just stopped. Do you think I created a fetch? Do you think I somehow psychically made it happen? Sorry for the very long comment I just kind of think of this blog as a "safe space" when it comes to paranormal/supernatural type of stuff and I would love your input on this!

Anonymous said...

nobody really interested in your latest posts

Enquiring Minds Want To Know... said...

What do your think of your beloved Mama June and her unhealthy kids being cancelled on TMZ since she is dating a child molester who molester her own daughter????

Anonymous said...

Actually, I read through the article that was linked, and it was interesting, and creepy, but I don't really know what to say about it.
I am also swallowed up by my interest in the Ebola situation, and the response to it, as well as my personal drama.
Don't assume no-one is interested.

Anonymous said...

I too found it interesting...and a little bit creepy.

Elle...I wonder if you created something or maybe aroused a spirit that was already there.

Anonymous said...

Been at the hospital the last few days w/husband. Again. Got a long ways to go too. Sucks. I think The bridge Troll is here. However, does anybody even care, really? Lol. It's a Loser.


Anonymous said...

Rox, I'm so sorry to hear that your husband is in the hospital again. I am sending all my healing energy, thoughts and prayers your way. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Stress can really take a toll on health of caretakers.

Jane said...

Rox, sorry to hear your husband is back in the hospital. I'm sending hugs for you and your husband. You are in my thoughts.

Hang in there Christina!!! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the well wishes, Jane & Christina. It's going to be a long haul to get him well. I never dreamed at our age one of us would be like an elderly person. Dr said he should be back to normal after the next surgery and rehab. I'm over it. It's been going on for a year. Botched surgeries, and now the repairs begin with a surgeon that has been excellent and is pissed about the botched past surgeries, that have nearly cost my husband his life. I'm just so tired. Was back at the ER y'day with him. He goes everyday to another hospital for "infusion" treatments. Somebody has to take him. Even on the weekends, 7 days a week for 6 weeks. I guess Dr's think nobody has a job! This is just real difficult. Thanks again. xoxo


Jane said...

WTF is wrong with Mama June? I used to think she was somewhat sensible. Now I'm not so sure. Paediphile and 9 year old girl is not a good combination. Is her vagina over ruling her brain? Really stupid move June!

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, your question is not stupid at all. It took many years before I understood some of the things I have encountered. But, 'ghost' is just an easy name to give a created entitity. The ARE a spirit, a being, but, they have never lived as a human. They are created purely from human energy. They do not always look human, but, have human characteristics. They are a Fetch.

Fetches often appear in reaccuring dreams first or, in mirrors. Then they become real.From a witches website:"To be a fetch, to host a fetch, is to command magic — though on the living world, that magic is attenuated, weakened by the need to focus it through a living host. On the bright side, for the host to learn magic is akin to taking up an old, long-disused skill; the learning curve is short, and the limits of one's abilities are soon innately grasped. Fetch magic spans a wide range of powers — from elemental manipulation to perception and premonition, preternatural skill at arms to shapeshifting and a rapport with beasts; those powers are classified into groups"

I am telling you, from personal experience, they always go bad. Always. The beasts part is very accurate. Shapeshifters do not look like they do in the movies. When they show themselves, it is shocking and horrifying. They are also called Skinwalkers sometimes. I am going through it now, they are NOT mine. I would never attempt to create these things. I'll tell you more in a post. I have some photos.

ps..I'm getting that type a word thing sometimes too. It's a blogger fuck up. I didn't put that shit on.

Dirty Disher said...

Elle, no, that doesn't sound like a Fetch. The age you told me, the fact that you were a girl and preoccupied by the supernatural tells me you created a true Poltergeist. Which is an extension of your own energy, which at that age, is at it's peak. Poltergeists can be uncontrollable too, but, they are almost always harmless, they just make a lot of noise and go away as you get older and your energy becomes more calm. You can read up on them.They are quite common and there are many films of them in action. Yes, YOU made the door shut. In my opinion. You must have powerful energy. You would be very good at magic.

Dirty Disher said...

To the mama June questions, I just did a post. I am sad.

Dirty Disher said...

ox, I hope your hubby gets well soon, or at least better. Tell us more about what's going on. Hospitals suck, both for the patient and for those who love them.

elle said...

Thank you for the input! I'm definitely going to do some research. That whole experience still fascinates me. Sometimes I still go to my parents house and expect something odd to happen again even though it's been more then a decade. And I actually wonder sometimes if I could ever be brave enough to approach the subject with my parents if they ever noticed anything odd and had their opinions. Maybe one day.

sally said...

Perhaps Jesus was a "fetch". He had enough dinner guests and more than enough needy wannabes in the first century.