Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's over

Well, Here Comes Burping, Farting Honey Boo Boo has been cancelled. TLC got freaked out by the allegations that Mama June, who is separated from Sugar Bear is dating the man who molested her oldest child, Anna, AKA Chickadee, when she was just a little girl. June issued a statement saying it was all lies, but, good old Uncle Poodle followed the two and got photos which he sold to TMZ. Or Radar, I forget. Whatever, you can't fight photos that obviously aren't photo shopped. Word's out that June also bought this guy a car. The guy just got out of the pen for molesting another child, he was never convicted of molesting Anna, but, I believe Anna. Because..come on, he just did time for doing it again.

The first rumors that came out claimed Sugar Bear was looking for love on websites. I don't know if that's true or not, but, it was always clear to those of us who watch the show that June had more interest in her jar of cheese balls than Sugar. Maybe because she's always been in love with this convict. Now, I'd bet she's been flying him kites or taking collect calls for years. I am so disappointed in her. I really liked June. I knew she had a shady past, very shady. But, so do lots of people and they change. I knew she didn't really raise Anna, her grandparents did. Lots of good people have that happen too. But, get this..one of her other daughters, I believe it's Pumpkin, also has a father who is doing time for child molestation. WTF? I don't understand any of this. Why was June involved with at least two men who are child molesters???

Oh, June, what have you done? You have lost a large source of income for your entire family and worse, you may be exposing your two youngest daughters to a convicted sex offender. An offender who likes young girls. There are photos of this man with Alana, who is only eight years old. Social Services is 'looking into' the situation and my bet is, they were called by Anna who has a grudge, but, is also worried about her younger sisters. Those girls are surprisingly close and Anna watches out for them. That's always been clear. This whole thing is terrible and makes me sick. Since June has definitely been involved with not one, but, two child molesters, you have to wonder what's in her head. Her 'I look good when I paint up the old barn' attitude now seems like total bullshit. You'd have to hate the hell out of yourself to take up with these men knowing what they do. I hope she let's the two youngest girls go live with Sugar Bear where they're safe because my experience with Social Services showed me that they do not have the children's safety as their first priority. Reuniting bio parents and kids is the number one priority. And Sugar Bear is not the biological parent to any of them except Alana, even though he has been a father to all of them. Him and June are not legally married either. Which by law and Social Services leaves that second youngest girl up a creek with no one to protect her. When your own mama won't keep you safe, who have you got? That's the way it is. I've lived it and seen it first hand. I have nothing more to say. I just feel sick.


Dan Zinski said...

They cancel it just when it's getting good.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Melvin! No joke! PMK would have exploited the hell outta this and made bank doing it. Shamefully, however. But she would. I never watched this mess. No way Jose'. But that woman is taking whoever will have her, end of story. And all her frugalness and saving for the kids college will fly out the window with this guy. He will strip her clean and leave here malty handed. She's a fool. I moved out when my mom picked up a hitchhiker in the middle of the night on her way home, brought him to our house, made him sleep in the car that 1st night. Took him shopping for new clothes the next day, cuz all he had was what was issued to him when he walked out of prison, for child molestation! When she found him! Married the sick fuck. Gawd almighty. That ended my relationship with my mother. And she divorced his ass eventually and then he got put back in prison for child molesting. Thank gawd he was not still married to my mother at the time. She probably knew what he was doing, so she divorced his ass. Finally saw past the dong. This shit is rampant in society. It happened in our family back in the 70's. There have always been pervs but now with Internet pron, anybody can get addicted to sick shit and then act on it. June is an idiot and will be back to the poorhouse now. Her and the creep will blow thru all the money. Just wait.


Anonymous said...

LOL @ Melvin! No joke! PMK would have exploited the hell outta this and made bank doing it. Shamefully, however. But she would. I never watched this mess. No way Jose'. But that woman is taking whoever will have her, end of story. And all her frugalness and saving for the kids college will fly out the window with this guy. He will strip her clean and leave here malty handed. She's a fool. I moved out when my mom picked up a hitchhiker in the middle of the night on her way home, brought him to our house, made him sleep in the car that 1st night. Took him shopping for new clothes the next day, cuz all he had was what was issued to him when he walked out of prison, for child molestation! When she found him! Married the sick fuck. Gawd almighty. That ended my relationship with my mother. And she divorced his ass eventually and then he got put back in prison for child molesting. Thank gawd he was not still married to my mother at the time. She probably knew what he was doing, so she divorced his ass. Finally saw past the dong. This shit is rampant in society. It happened in our family back in the 70's. There have always been pervs but now with Internet pron, anybody can get addicted to sick shit and then act on it. June is an idiot and will be back to the poorhouse now. Her and the creep will blow thru all the money. Just wait.


Anonymous said...

Spell check sucks. Just sayin'...


Theresa in Texas said...

I use to like her, the fact she didn't seem to let it all go to her head. She didn't go out and buy a million dollar mansion. Now, I'm just ugh.

TMZ reported this morning that him and June are not breaking any law being together. If he's a registered sex offender, isn't he suppose to say a certain distance away from children?

Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed in her, too.
I really liked her and Sugar Bear, and Anna. Oh, and Uncle Poodle. I didn't really have a lot of use for Pumpkin, the other one, and Alana because they are all so gross and out of control.
It is completely disgusting to find out that June is with this asshole. I was wondering who the "person that was molested, who she still has contact with" was. I would be sad for whomever it was, but it makes me a little sadder to know it is Anna. I like her. Though she is not very smart, she seemed to have the kindest heart, and took good care of her little baby.
I read where June had been gifting the molester with money, etc. I really hope that she does keep the majority of the money for her children, but somehow I don't think that will happen.

connie45 said...

I thought the older girls had the same bio father. Yes, choosing 2 men convicted of the same crime - shameful, just disgustingly shameful! How do you do that to your kids? No way Anna is going to let her little girl around Mama June and any pervert.

My Dad, who has dementia is slowly getting worse. So hard to witness. My Mom though refuses to consider a different living situation. There is daily help and all of us help alot too - still she bears the brunt and it's taking years off her own life - and she is beginning to harbor resentment. Not good for anyone.

Look forward to seeing pics of your house under construction!

pomegranatetears said...

I never really liked June, there was something about her that made me pause. As far as I'm concerned, she's just another fame whore using her children to get in the public eye.

I can't even wrap my head around the idea of her (or anyone) dating a sex offender - especially with kids around. She's gross.

At least TLC dropped the show. I wouldn't put it past them to use this as one of their plot lines.

I feel for Alanna, poor little girl. Poor all of June's children. :(

Jane said...

I checked out June's bank account. The internet says she's worth a million plus. Now does that mean she put all that money under her name? Was it not divided? I hope Sugar Bear got his share. And how about Poodle? How do they figure out what he gets?
And I thought the child molester had to stay clear of kids or does he just have to be registared?
I always thought June was not the brightest bulb in the box but that she at least had her head screwed on staight. I guess I was wrong.

pananoy said...

These guys went for June to get to her daughters and she used her daughters as bait. Let's get real. Take a look at June. Or better yet, earlier in the show when she was 100 lbs heavier. Oh there are a few chubby chasers out there, but most guys don't want that shit. June wanted a man and got at least 2 through her daughters. Now she has daughters AND money and this degenerate is back sniffing around. That money will be gone in no time.

There is something mentally wrong with her. What woman in her right mind would take a man back into her bed after he forced her 8 year ol daughter to have oral sex? Oh I'd get him in bed. Then I'd chop off his dick and shove it in his mouth.

Unknown said...

It's beyond belief that anybody, even June, would be this dumb and irresponsible. Staggering stupidity. She's buying herself the molester of her daughter as well as other kids. Buying him. With money her kids earned. You go Sugarbear, at least get your own daughter, and cudos to Poodle for taking the pictures that prove the story.

sally said...

Now I'm probably going to get some shit for this but I don't care. There is ALWAYS something wrong with women who put their daughters in those sick, sexualized pageants. ALWAYS. Doesn't matter if they are rich like Patsy Ramsey or dirt poor, NORMAL women do not do that to their children.
It's never OK to put hooker makeup on a toddler. Never, ever ever.

So I'm not surprised, just grateful that June was stupid & greedy enough to allow her sick life to be made public. At least now there is a chance Alana will get some protection.

Unknown said...

The saddest thing is that the mother has ALL the money they earned. No one else has access to it. The ex is dirt poor, owes money all over the place, lives in a trailor that TMZ bought for him and hasn't got the money needed to fight for custody of his daughter who is probably going to end up the most damaged of the lot. From child star to mums boyfriends sex toy. What a nightmare! I really cant see a very bright future, or a long life for her for that matter. I don't think the program ever ran here, but I've read about them.

Angie said...

No shit from me, Sally. I agree with you 100%.

Jane said...

I'm assuming that Alana is going to a public school in that area. Can you imagine what she is going through at school right now. Children can be so cruel.

And Sugar Bear's lawyer should have the money frozen until it can go to court. She may not be the smartest person in the world, but when it comes to large sums of money people can get real smart real fast. And all the roaches will be coming out of the woodwork offering to help.

Jane said...

Sally, I agree with you also. (But I must admit I did watch Toddlers & Tiaras.) There can be only 1 winner. So can you imagine how those girls who were not so cute must feel. It's a bad time for their egos. I guess their moms don't think about that when they are struting their kids on stage. One girl wins, the rest feel like shit (and ugly shit at that).

Dirty Disher said...

I've always hated those child beauty pagents. Gross.

Imabastard said...

don't blame internet porn. Adults always have raped children. For fun (romans), to get rid of diseases (raping a virgin girl-child will take away any veneral disease! Men were aquitted using that defence up to world war one in England, from Freud we know that a lot of the friends/colleagues daughters he 'treated' were victims too). It was mostly ignored until the 80s. And now you are a molester if you look at your naked baby pics in the family album.

Imabastard said...

hm, June likes to parade her kid around in whore makeup and whore uniform in front of sick pedos.
June did nothing when her pedo boyfriend abused her daughter.
June was waiting 10 years for her pedo boyfriend to be released.
June is with her pedo-boyfriend together again. With young children for him to enjoy.

You might thinkt that June has a pedo fetish. Is she maybe a pedo herself?