The anti Barbie is called 'Lammily', she's based on research that claims the average teen girl is 5'4" and 150 pounds. Woe to the assholes who buy supermodel dolls for their children, setting them up for body dysmorphic disorders, anorexia, bullemia and eventual suicide. To which I say, YAWN. This again?
I loved Barbie, still do. I had no illusions about becoming 6' tall. Besides we already had a more realistic version, clear back when I was a child. Her name was Tammy and I loved her too.
She was so cute and had a face like an angel, or Sandra Dee, however you looked at it. The problem was, she didn't fit in Barbie's clothes and Tammy clothes were just not available. So, unless you had a mom who sewed, you were screwed with the Tammy wardrobe. Barbie just had better things. She has sports cars, hot dog stands, a boyfriend, etc. Tammy had a family, but, that's about it. So, Tammy by Ideal, bit the dust and Barbie reigned Queen. To this day. So, unless this new doll designer can get funding to produce Lammily's lifestyle, he can call it quits now. BTW, I still have copies of all my dolls. (I actually never owned them, but, my cousin did and she loaned them to me sometimes.)Tammy is one of my prize possessions along with her little sis, Pepper. The bitches still don't have any clothes.
There's Pepper. My Pepper is a redhead, but, they all have freckles. OMG, they were so cute and well made too. Ideal is a great doll company. They just didn't anticipate our greed for Mattel's accessories.
I love that Pepper doll! I swear she looks just like my sis in law. I should ask if she has any of these dolls, she saves everything.
There was also a doll called Penny that I played with all the time. When I found out Barbie had bendable knees, Penny ended up in the bottom of the toy box.
I loved Tammy. I had a Tammy doll with reddish-brown hair, and I thought she was the prettiest doll ever. I had a number of Tammy outfits, and the sports car, too. I've gotten rid of a lot of things over the years, but giving up my Tammy doll is something I really regret. I go through phases of watching them on ebay, and one of these days, I just may buy one of them that calls to me. The rest of the time I think I'm out of my mind, thinking about doing something like that.
I remember seeing all the packaged outfits for Tammy at the Five and
Dime on Main Street. Now they sell for big bucks. That's really cool that you have a Tammy.
Connie, you can still find Pepper in antique stores. High priced.I score mine at goodwill or yard sales. I will look for one for you. I have a knack that leads me to them.
Jo, OMG, NO. You are talking about Penny Bright, one of my other prize possesions. I loved her and so did the world. She had everything, even her own kitchen. She was one of the most popular dolls of her time. Hold on to her. She is often mistaken for Shirley and high priced. When you point out the mistake and prove it, you can get her cheap. She is a prize, I promise.
Christina, you will replace your beloved Tammy. I just feel it. I will also keep a look out. Not many know these dolls and I get them cheap. I love them so. I want the rest of Tammy's family, NOW that is hard to get. But, Tammy and Pepper..I betcha I can find another.
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