Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What's for Christmas dinner? And that stupid thing in comments..

I was wondering what you all are having for dinner on your holiday this year. I'll call it Christmas dinner. Solstice dinner sounds weird, even though that's what it is. The reason for the season is a bunch of planetary alignnents, oh fucking well. Like I give a shit.

I asked Alissa what she wanted for Christmas dinner and she said, hamburgers. Seriously? Apparently, I make an edible burger. The kid is picky as hell and addicted to junk food, so what the hell. If she wants burgers, that's what we'll be having. At least I know she'll eat something. I think I'm going to have Oyster soup. I don't know about where you live, but, in the Midwest, Oyster soup is pretty traditional. People usually do a Turkey or ham with all the fixin's too, but, I have no reason to cook a turkey. Lis wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole and I'd eat a tiny bit and then the cats and coons would get another feast. They don't need it. Believe me, they eat well here. So, I'll make my small pan of soup. I really like it and I don't have it often. There are a ton of weird recipes on the net, but, I like the way I make it. I just cook some small bits of chopped onion down in a pan until they're soft (not brown) then I put in my fresh Oysters, not drained. Then I season the hell out of them and let them get nice and hot. Then they get a huge dollop of butter. I put in some cold water to cool it down, so when I add the milk it won't curdle. I just use plain whole milk. Then I just heat the whole mess up nice and slow, get out the crackers...and man, that is some good eatin' if you ask me. I can't eat much of it, but, it's good the next day too.

So, what are you having? Oh, and that stupid thing in comments is not removable. Google has decided we all need our decisions about spam removal taken away from us and they put it on automatically and we can go fuck ourselves if we don't like it. (Their response to my email used other words, but, basically said, fuck you.) But, I've been messing with it and I found out you might avoid it if you don't choose the anon option. I know a lot of you use that and just put your name in the bottom. I've done that too, it seemed easier. But, if you choose the name option, it will start to recognize you as not spam and it eases up. If you use a Google name it won't fuck with you much. I found out that if I just hit the 'recognize' button and then hit 'post' real fast, it skips all the mess they want you to type. That's the best I can tell you about it. But I know I have lost commenters from the frustration that shit brings on and it pisses me off because without you to comment, what the fuck is the point of this blog? I really am starting to despise Google. They make it hard for me to post too, because I refuse to use their recommended browsers. Believe me, I have them all. Every time I switch over to Chrome or one of the others it fucks with my computer. I find them slow and annoying and when I switch back to IE, it changes my tool bar and other things. It's just fucking annoying not to be able to post in IE which I am on now. It won't let me put pics on today. Fucking thing. So, what do you suggest? I could find somewhere else to go and move the blog. Get the hell out of Dodge. If you have any ideas, put them out there.

By the way, I'm getting over the seasonal blues because this is almost the end. I don't know about you, but, my house is a mess. I hate that and it drives me nuts, but this cold keeps hanging on and all I want to do is lay down with the laptop and hot tea or coffee. So, the place is a mess with piles of presents everywhere and wrapping paper and tape and scissors left on the kitchen floor. I have to step over all of it to get anywhere and we aren't done yet. Lis has been doing most of the wrapping and she isn't very neat with it, but, I don't give a shit. Slap a bow on it and call it good. The cat is punching holes in all the presents anyhow. I can't get him to stop fucking with them. I thought maybe I should wrap his present up and let him have at it, but, then I thought it might just make him worse. He truly is the demon cat from hell. But, he's our demon cat. I'm hoping he'll mellow with age. I mean, really, how long can a cat keep acting like he does? I don't know. Can you really train a cat? He's litter box trained, but, if he gets pissed off at you, he WILL shit or piss on your stuff. He's only done it to me once, but, he does it to Alissa about once a week. Last time she ignored him and he took a dump on her coat. She had to wear a sweat shirt jacket while I washed it. He really knows who's stuff is who's. I guess by scent? I could write a whole page about the shit this cat has pulled, but, it would be crazy, like him. He breaks everything, he's into everything, he bites, he steals things constantly and I've had to hide the things I love most. He has pulled nearly every picture off the walls! That's nuts. He takes a running jump and just grabs them until they fall. So far only one of the glass frames has broken and it wasn't precious, but, goddamn, I have some nice art here and he is pissing me off. He pisses me off every day. What do you do about an animal like him?


Frimmy said...

I have a little turkey. Really not much more than a big chicken. I'm not doing much differently than usual but I am going to brine it and see what all the hoopla is about.

The thing in comments doesn't bother me. It is what it is.

Angie said...

I'm having ham and scalloped potatoes. I'm not really feeling festive, so I decided to make cookies and candy today. The only thing that changed was that I had no holiday spirit and did have a stomach ache.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to my sister's house. The lord of the manor invites his sister as well.

Your cat sounds like Mikey as a youngster. I didn't know what he looked like for the first couple of years, he moved so fast. Busy, busy, busy. I haven't wrapped or bagged up anything yet. I need a personal assistant, Santa, please, pretty please? Too bad I didn't go sit on his lap and ask.

My depression lifted just slightly, yesterday, but not looking forward to the backache I'll get from the wrapping and bagging. I got Mikey some toys too, he is quite advanced and loved kids toys, not dog toys. I enjoy him messing with his stuff.

Anonymous said...

I fixed a big lasagna with garlic bread, my best approximation of a restaurant salad I love (diced tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, with an Italian-type dressing, antipasto, two fruit salads, a cookie, nut and candy bar, and a chocolate mousse cake with fresh raspberries and whipped cream. And cider for most people here, but wine for a few, and a big mimosa for me.
It all turned out well, but parts of the house are still messy, which really bothers me, but I just chip away at it, bit by bit. It does bother me that I do it all alone. I am still cleaning up my husband's messes. That annoys the crap out of me, but I just can't seem to get away from it.
I am still depressed. My husband sent me an email notice today that the items I ordered from Amazon are going to ship, but what he sent was what Amazon sent him, without any text from him. That is jerk behavior. Is it really so hard to just wish me a Merry Christmas? Why is he such an asshole? I bought a couple presents for him prior to his crisis, and I have wrapped them for Andy to take to him and his mom tomorrow, when he is going to their place. We will see if he refuses them all together, or if he acknowledges them at all. I'm not trying to win him over. I'm just doing exactly what I want, and if he wants to be a jerk, then it's on him, as I am behaving well.
Andy has been very helpful. He helped me in the kitchen, and helped with setting the table. Before people got here, I told him his role, and what he could do when people arrived. He was my right hand.
I asked my brother to put together slides of his trip a month or two ago, and he did, but I forgot about it until I saw him pick up his laptop to leave. He belongs to a mountain climbing organization, and a group of them went to the slot canyons in Utah. It's hot up top, in the desert, but they wear wetsuits, and rappel down into water, where it's cold. Interesting, anyway, he will bring that back on New Year's Day. I invited everyone back for a ham dinner. The ham was my Christmas bonus. I may as well fix dinner. I won't eat all that ham by myself.
We were also going to look at a couple of boxes of my mom's papers, etc. but no-one felt up to it after dinner.
So, here I sit, enjoying the tree, with two puppies snoring beside me. I will work tomorrow, but will have leftovers to take along.
I should probably go to bed soon, or I will have trouble getting up.
Just curious. . . did you get the link in the email I sent last night? I am into scrapbooking, and I just thought the fairies at sunset was so relaxing to watch and listen to. I thought you might like it, too, though it may be too much glitter for most people.
Good night, and happy holiday. I hope you are feeling completely well soon, and can see that beautiful little baby in person.
P.S. I really don't care about the whole comments thing. It doesn't bother me at all.

connie45 said...

For my family, it's of course tamales, which Iam steaming right now, the red chile pork, we made other different varieties too. Enchiladas, frijoles y arroz, fried eggs, ham, pan dulce, Mimosas! Good stuff! Just my immediate,family is over 30 people. Crowded, loud and to me, fun. My father is steadily going downhill so every holiday is important to put aside any squabbles and gloom and just try to enjoy.

Feliz navidad mis amigas!

Dirty Disher said...

Friim, let me know how that brining comes out. I've always wondered too. Merry Crimmis!!

Angie get well soon. I was glad I didn't have to bake. Other grandma does, big time, and she sets us up good. Much better than I could do. Merry Xmas to you.

Dirty Disher said...

Border have fun at your sis's. I lost the tape here and stores are closed. THe last 3 gifts are going to be in store bags with a bow on. LOL. who gives a shir. Have a merry merry one.

Christna, I love the sound of your dinner. Yum. Ehhh, don't let HIM get you down. You did the best you could, it sounds like it's his own problem. I haven't been in email, but, I'll check later. It's been busy around here shuffling Lis to all her various family. We or me, have a big family now. Lucky they all turned out to be awesome. So, we're blessed that way. Have a merry Christmas!

Dirty Disher said...

Connie, your dinner sounds fantastic and so different form what we make here. I would love to sample that. Feliz navidad to you and your!

connie45 said...

Christina - I read to my husband about your brothers climbing trip and as he also has climbed for over 30 years, knew exactly where you were talking about. Hubs is a member of the SCMA, So Cal Mountaineering Assoc - which was originally part of the Sierra Club. His hip is slowing him down these days and trips are few.

Anonymous said...

RE Google - been hating it for years and I don't even have a blog. I hate google search, it's moronic.

Re: Oyster stew - Yes! My father's family always had oyster stew for Christmas eve dinner (Norwegian emigrants to Minnesota, then Canada).
His recipe is really simple and what I'm used to, so I love it like this:

Stew oysters with their juices in whole milk with some ground pepper. Serve with dollops of butter and soda crackers and more pepper.
We wanted to have that last night, but 2 weeks ago he ate a raw oyster and wound up in hospital with food poisoning so we didn't want to bring the memory back and I don't think he'll be wanting oysters for a while.

Merry Happy Solstice to everyone!

Angie said...

So many around here do the oyster stew...I've never had it. Sounds like something to try.

Christina, I'm sorry your husband is acting like such a dick...please don't let it ruin your holiday

Jane said...

Connie45...I will pay delivery cost for any leftovers.

Christina...Laura Childs write a series of mystery books where the heroine owns a scrap booking store. Throughout the book there are many really cure suggestions and also at the end.

I like oyster stew but haven't had it in a long time. For me, the oysters have to be small. I just don't ever think of making it.

Ate at my sisters today. We had the regular food---turkey, dressing. But the best part was the fig cookies she and my BIL made. They make them every year for Xmas and I love them. I brought a bag home. I will be on a sugar high in about an hour.

Unknown said...

Christmas dinner was decided two days ago on a whim. I was just gonna chill in my pj's all day but I was at the grocery store and walked by the stuffing and gravy and decided that I can't have Christmas without stuffing. Then I spotted a small turkey breast and then taters now I'm gonna be cooking. I have some frozen blackberries from the Himalayan vines that grow all over the place here, I think I'm gonna make a blackberry crumble. We'll see how that goes. I've been bah-humbug this year, too tired to do anything, at least I got a small tree that we planted in a pot and my husband just put lights on it last night. It's a meh day. Just chill.

Unknown said...

How old is the cat? sounds like a young radical kitten. My Neo used to run all over the place and hang from the curtains. The tiny holes are still there. He did the pee on my shoes once. In front of me. He got yelled at good and had his nose rubbed on it. Never again, he's a very good kitty. But 8 years later he still comes to "help" me when I have paper products out. Cats and paper. Can't keep a cat from paper.

Frimmy said...

For the amount of extra work required by the brining, there was no noticeable improvement in the turkey. I don't roast my turkey till it's dried out anyway so maybe the brining works for people who do leave it in too long? I dunno. Sometimes I think foodies promote stuff like this for giggles. Like, goat cheese for example. To me it tastes like what goats smell like and they don't smell great. Kale...that's another trendy food. I've had it numerous ways and can't tolerate the taste.

What is it that causes one person to love the taste of something so much and the next person to hate it? It's always been an interesting thing to observe in a group of kids because they express their distaste so honestly.

Angie said...

I hope everyone had the day they were hoping for. After feeling down for days, I wrapped it up with a good shower cry and managed to come out and have a really nice day...what more could a person ask for?

Dan Zinski said...

There's a cat in your header.

Anonymous said...

We had a taco/nacho bar with all the trimmings. Even home made lime rice. A huge bowl of Southern Comfort party punch. I should have just sat there with a straw in the bowl. I never made it before and I loved it. We had tons of various melted cheeses and Mexican food sides. Home made salsa. We all wanted traditional Christmas tamales but they are VERY expensive. 3/$8. No thanks! I remember old women walking around Corpus Christi everyday with baskets of home made tamales and selling them. Cheap. But that was long ago. And far away. But so delicious. Best Xmas gift ever...Our 1st wrapped gift was a sonogram of our first grand baby. Due in August. After my daughter miscarried last summer she has been so depressed. Now, she has hope. And Dr told her this looks totally normal this time and very strong. 8 weeks. So, we have a long wait. But all seems to be going along nicely this time. As opposed to last time. Something was just never right. I knew it, pretty much kept my mouth shut but I just let nature take its course and see how things went. Someone told my daughter then that cramping and spotting were very normal. She wouldn't believe me when I told her "NO! It's NOT!" But... This will be good tho. A Happy Day for us, our whole family. Love you all. Happy New Year!


panonymous said...

I made a delicious prime rib. It turned out perfect. I don't like the way my mashed potatoes turned out. Everyone decided to start opening packages just as my potatoes started to boil and they overcooked. Oh well. The fresh asparagus cooked in butter and garlic were a hit. I also made a pumpkin and apple pie the night before. I use 4 different kinds of apples. It's so good.

I'm one of those poor souls who doesn't have a dishwasher and I wanted to spend time with my sons and grandkids. I said screw the dishes last night. I'm half way through a massive pile.

DD, that's exactly how my mom use to make oysters. I bit into one of those sandy bellies once. Never again.

Anonymous said...

We had stuffed chicken roll with apples, cranberries, and i did not make it, lol....Club Price helped out a bit.

My son is visiting with his gf, and my place has been a mess for a week, even if i clean it each day. The bliss of having company.

I am glad to see your over the december blues....the lights look nice! I end of buying new ones each year as each year there is a strand that only half lights. I swear the lights from 25 years ago were alot more stronger.

lOVE the picture of your latest grandchild, beautiful indeed!

Hope everyone has a good festive season, and glad to hear your feeling better Pat! Nothing like a newborn baby in the arms to make you feel so warm inside.

so here is the big question....he gets to take down the tree lol I think i will drink a few glasses of wine, play some Sade music and tackle the job.

God i hate the letters they use to prove i am not a robot, can not even read them half of the time lol

Annette in Quebec