Monday, March 2, 2015

Adam Warwick saves a drowning Bear...a f00king Bear!

This is an amazing story! It happened in Florida. This Black Bear was in town, it was up in people's yards, tearing up their garbage and just generally being a pain in the ass. (He looks healthy, just young and dumb?) So, the animal experts came out to remove him, relocate him. The plan was to trap him in an area with portable chain link fencing. (I'm guessing here, based on photos.) I suppose they'd keep moving the fence in until they got close enough to dart him. Which they did, but, I only see one dart. Mr. Bear sees a break in the fence and goes for it, he hits the water and swims for his life. But, damn, the dart starts working as he got deep in the water and he can't swim anymore! He's drowning!

That's when wildlife biologist Adam Warwick decided to jump in and save the Bear! Are you kidding me! I was astounded. But, he did it. He actually saved that Bear and not only that, when he got the Bear back to shore where his friends could help, they said the Bear seemed to understand and respond to Adam and only to Adam. I was blown away. That Bear knew who saved him and offered no aggressive behavior and you can see, he's drowsy, but, he's not out.

There's the happy ending. I love it. Bear is fine and living where he's free now. No more garbage cans for you, Bear, you have to work for a living. I just loved this story. I wondered what I would have done? Now, no way. Back when I was strong? Probably, I would have tried anyway. I would have tried to hold his head up at least, but, would any man have come and helped me? Doubtful. This dude did it all alone! That Bear weighed in at damn near 400 pounds! Man, you'd have to be strong to do what Adam did. Jesus! It's a GD Bear! Not to mention brave. This dude is a hot bad ass.


Dirty Disher said...

I changed my mind. I love Bears. I definitely would have gone out there, even now. Drowning with a Bear would not be a bad way to go, when I think about it.

Kitty said...

I think that's awesome, what a cool guy! That guy is now the bear's spirit animal.

Angie said...

I read about this...didn't it happen a while ago, maybe in the summer/fall? I thought it was very brave of the man and I'm so glad he did it. Bears get a bad rap. We have usually have a wandering young one every few years, looking for love. He'll go in and out of towns and although there are so many that try to protect them, there always seems to be some idiot that wants to shoot. Last year, we had a guy that was hanging out in this lady's rural back yard, sunning itself right off the deck. She got some really great photos, but I think was pretty relieved when he moved

Dirty Disher said...

Kitty, I'll bet you're right. I wish the Bear was my spirit animal!

Angie, OMFG, you have no idea how much I envy you right now. I wish we had Bears in our yards! Crabbie sent me a photo of one he saw out his car window and I about peed with excitement. My interactions with Bears (which I love so much) is so limited. I have to settle for Ursa Minor. Got lots of them though!

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to see a happy ending for an animal! I see so many stories of animals tourtured and left to survive alone, it breaks my heart. I believe animals are a lot smarter then we give them credit for...they just know........instinct....

Annette from Quebec

Angie said...

Well, I haven't ever had the pleasure of seeing them, but I have to admit that I've went out looking when I've heard reports of them being around. The one last year was walking along a very traveled road, so there were plenty of pictures, but most of the people that post them are very vague about the locations, because of the overzealous hunters.

Anonymous said...

We really have very few sightings around here. My husband did see one last summer, though. He was doing a delivery out of Dallas, near Salem, and one just ran out of the trees on his right, and across the road down to a stream on the left of the road. He said it was sufficiently ahead, and he wasn't going fast, so there was not a danger of hitting it. I really envied him that sighting.
Bears scare the crap out of me, though. I was camping with my family in Canada when I was about 18, and we stayed at Illiciliwit, was the name of the campground in the Selkirk mountains. I went on lots of nature hikes with the park naturalists, and had to turn back several times due to fresh bear scat on the trail we were taking. Just too dangerous to go on as it was grizzlies. The day we left, one of the naturalists I knew was attacked and killed and her fiancee had life threatening injuries when they were hiking a couple miles down the road from where we were. Look up Barbara Chapman, along with bears and Canada, should probably get you the news article. It got real that day, and I have never forgotten it.

Jane said...

Look at that! A good looking dude with a brain and a heart. Will wonders never cease!

Jane said...

Yep! There he is, "Buddy Bear and he is gods own drunk!" It's killing me that I can't remember the rest of that song----about a bear getting drunk on the side of a mountain. It might be a Jerry Jeff Walker, but I just can't remember. It'll come to me at 3:00 in the morning...maybe.

Dan Zinski said...

Guy's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to remember the danger. When I was little we were "tracking" one down a path, in play, and son of a gun, we found the damned thing!

In Alaska I went on a float plane out to where there was a salmon run and bears, and I so many and had a smile on my face for the hours I was there. It's hard for me to remember these are wild animals, not my buds.

The place where I may move has had a lot of coyote problems and they've lost cats and small dogs and one even came in a woman's front door to get her dog. Mine is a bit big to get carried off. But there are many coyotes and they watch everything and are coming closer to people. So I was thinking, this is the way dogs became tamed. But how do you know it's a case of animals wanting to tame themselves or the usual cunning coyote game. So when you trap them, who are you getting? A self-tamer or a killer? Can't take the chance but I wonder if anyone has encountered this.

Jane said... said "the place you MIGHT move into". I would rethink that. Seems to me, the coyotes would be a lot of trouble. If you have other choices of where to move, I would consider them.

Dirty Disher said...

I love all these comments. I am going to make a post out of a couple of them. I do know a little about coyotes. And I want that story on Barbara!

Angie said...

I sent you the photos that were taken last May/June of our wandering bear. In Facebook, not email.

Anonymous said...

OK, he swims in and saves it. then a backhoe has to lift him into the truck. That man is my new hero. We had 2 horse's fall thru the ice here a few days ago. One didn't make it, the sherrif's managed to save the other with some kind of ice breaker boat. And axes, they used axes to chop their way to that horse. I wondered, why would a horse wander out onto the ice? It's not exactly easy to stand on. And so many dogs have been rescued lately from busted ice. What's the draw for them? Do they not realize the line netween the frozen snowy ground and the ice? Until it's too late? It's just sad. Thank goodness for the bear. That man is a real MAN! I love him. He's probably getting marriage proposals jamming up his FB and Twitter! LOL. He's awesome. Someone, should have his babies.