Friday, March 27, 2015

The Oprah auction

After looking through three pages of Oprah belongings being auctioned off, I stopped playing what would I buy, and started playing what would I take if I was forced to own any of her shit. These two chairs, which I still think are ugly as fuck. $3,000-5,000 dollars. Really? I'd use them as porch furniture. On the BACK porch. Man. I figured Oprah would have some taste. Her crap looks like a bad yard sale in the uppity part of town. You know, those church ladies who think their Home Interiors matching wall sconces are worth $20 bucks each. In other words, shit. Shit you wouldn't take home free if it was sitting on the curb. Take a look. HERE.


Dan Zinski said...

I think Paltrow already bought everything.

Anonymous said...

Man, those are some ugly - ass chairs. I think they went out of style when I was in high school.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL Melvin. That made me laugh.

Christina, everything she has is ugly. WTF?

Anonymous said...

I think you gave her too much credit for having good taste I think she's too mainstream to have her own taste. She's intelligent, but in that 'normal' way.
If I had her money I'd buy pretty much nothing but antiques for my homes. To me you can't find better quality than what was made way back.

Anonymous said...

Me again after having a look
Well it will all sell for a lot of money because it was O's.

Frimmy said...

I can't believe it. Page after page of ugly crap. There wasn't one thing I would want. Made me kind of happy, actually. Clearly you can't buy taste. You can buy someone to advise you about what is tasteful, but she clearly isn't guilty of doing that either.

Anonymous said...

That is some ugly shit. Noelle

sally said...

Thanks for posting this Pat--interesting!

Clearly, Oprah used to buy what she THOUGHT rich people would have. None of that fussy stuff seems to fit her personality or her big body at all, does it? I would picture her more with comfortable, casual, but simple furniture. Sort of like a really upscale pottery barn look. Designer stuff, not antiques.

I can't imagine having that much stuff that I could sell entire housefuls of furniture and never miss it.
There definitely are two Americas, that's for sure.

I did really like the carved oak candlesticks though. (lot 26)

Unknown said...

Oh dear! I've never been known for good taste because I don't pay attention to stuff like that. But I do know when crap is shocking. One of my BFFs graduated as an interior designer and her mom had her decorate a couple of rooms. Oh my! Charged her mother too, after mom paid for her private college. The friend didn't last long in the design field because of personality. Could have told her that. Client would ask what something would cost, friend would tell client, that not a concern and it is what is appropriate so pay.

just wondering said...

She can send any of her Biedermeier furnishings my way. Are you kidding me? She goes through enough furniture to fill all of our homes!

But I want all the Biedermeier. And maybe a few paintings..

Anonymous said...

I just remember her and her BFF, whats her name, going to K-Mart. K-MART!!!! Oprah was trying to decide which door mat to buy of the 2 she liked. Her friend told her "You're rich, buy them both." So, she did. Then later, her friend became her doormat. Ba-da-boom. True story.

Anonymous said...

Susanne Somers finds an old sofa, for almost no money, has it recovered with plain sail cloth. Like painting drop cloth fabric. heavy natural fabric. It's fabulous and in her master bedroom. I always appreciated that.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get past the 1st page. A "table casket"? Who's in there? "Pinch pleated" drapes? Look like Goodwill rejects. Like, lady, donate those GD "pinch pleated" drapes. Who would buy that shit? It's old crap. Very out of style and ugly as F. Her taste is very pretentious and regal. Like if it's painted gold, she bought it. To impress people. UGLY. Michael Jackson did the same thing. Bought it all. No plan. A mish-mosh. Just, if it was gilded, he wanted it. What is that about? Eww.