Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't feel guilty, lady, your abortion is reversable

An Arizona bill is headed to the desk of Gov. Doug Douchey...err, Doug Ducey, sorry. The bill, I am seriously trying not to laugh here, would require doctors to tell women that their abortion is reversible. You know, because women are soooooo hormonal and retarded that they couldn't possibly make an informed decision about their own bodies. Face it, girls, we are just too damn stupid and we get all weepy when we picture this...

I know! Isn't it adorable? Wait, sob, I can't, sob, OMG, I too dum, SOB! I need smart man to help me! Thank the good Load above for Christians and Republicans. And men. Can't forget men~

Note: The bill passed. Are you kidding me?


Bohemianmoon said...

Hello, darlin'! Weeping R me :)

Dirty Disher said...

OMG! Where have you been? Kiss and hug!

Unknown said...

You had me laughing so damned hard. I thought you said the abortion was reversible. And the pic of the one month old fetus, oh hell no. If you could find it, would you have a funeral for it---I don't think so. ice

Anonymous said...

If you're against abortion, don't have one. If you're a man, your opinion has zero validity for you don't have a vagina or uterus. If you're against abortion because your religion says it kills a person, make sure you are also are against the death penalty, and the wars our government participate in that kills humans every day. That commandment of Thou Shalt Not Kill does not have an asterisk (*) after it that says 'except in case of bad people, or people we've decided are our enemies.' The US government needs to stay out of the wombs of women. Its hypocrisy about killing and preventing killing is appalling!

I'm sick of government. I'm sick of people using religion to foster hate. And I am sick of winter. Woke up to two inches of new snow here and it's still falling.


Dirty Disher said...

Anon, did you know blogger has a block IP option now? Yeah, it does.

Dirty Disher said...

-TJH, hell yeah. Everything you said X 10!

Mom of 4 said...

Seriously sick of the anti abortion talk. My body. My choice.

Anonymous said...

I am also sick of women who say " I would never ever have an abortion, but you can." All this says to me is; I will watch you "sin" from my religious pedestal. It's a pretentious statement and the women who say that need to be smacked. I have known very judgmental women say this and it irritates me to no end. JMO