Saturday, April 25, 2015

Indie on the roof

I don't know how he gets up there, I only know it takes me forever to stop coaxing him down and leave. Then he comes inside. I spend a lot of my day following this fool cat around. He gets up on the roof and acts stranded, howling, when I call him inside. It's like a twisted game. He goes from the shed roof to my roof, to my mothers roof (a lot of real estate there) and he just games me. Every time the sun sets. Because he is not allowed out at night anymore. And no, those aren't Yule lights, they're just pink and white lights I use because there are no outside lights here. He has to stop walking on my cable lines, it drives me crazy. He's jumped down into my arms from the low porch roof there, once. Then he refused to do it again. He knows I can't get up there, even with a ladder. Not that I'd even try, but, he knows.

Nothing going on here really. The neighbors have started the junk yard bonfire from hell up again. It goes every night. The cops come by and they flag them down to settle marital disputes. It's weird. They're the ones with the pit bulls. (Never look to the obvious, remember?) They wake me up to 'borrow' a smoke, but, I'm mostly steaming now. I do give them smokes if I happen to have some, but, I suggested maybe they could ask before, like, midnight. ~eye roll~ The chickens have spent two nights outside now. I know, I was never going to do that, but, chickens smell really bad in a cage no matter how many times you clean it. It was just unavoidable. Anyhow, they're doing really well out there so far. I check on them a lot. I leave lights on in their little box and I put it up higher, on a small table. I keep the warming pad on too. They seem happy. It rained last night, but, they were dry and cheerful this morning. I have to give them a scratch box. I had forgotten how much chickens love to scratch and that's the only downside to having the protective wire on the bottom of their cage. They turn the feeder over trying to scratch. Exciting, isn't it?

Lissa is in 'party mode', it's the weekend. Last night she got to spend the night with her friend across the block and today we have to go find out where her mom lives so she can see her. She's moved to another town. I promised her we'd go, but, she doesn't understand when I say I have to move slow and am not really up to it. She's just too young to get it. And I promised. But, I have MRI's scheduled next week for this crap in my neck and back. More of that. Whatever. You do what you gotta do, right? Even if it seems stupid. How are you guys doing?

Indie and the crescent Moon. It hurts my head to look up there. I'm going to ignore it from now on. He knows what I mean when I call him in. I'm still the only one who can operate the can opener.


Anonymous said...

Yep. That urge to scratch is really strong. The very youngest chicks will try to scratch, whether they are standing in dry bedding, or in the middle of their food dish. Tuney, (our broody) has dumped the food dish, and shown them how to scratch. It was obvious she wanted them to know how to do it and why, rather than just having the food presented, as it was to herself and the other girls. (Well, most of it, anyway. I usually treat them pretty heavily, with black oil sunflower seeds, sometimes scratch, depending on the weather, and sometimes freeze-dried meal worms, thrown all over their run.) The regular pellets go in the feeder.
I'm glad you were able to transfer them outside, to sleep at night. If I remember correctly, there are some birds that smell worse than others, but I don't remember who or why. Anyway, it's good for them to be out there.
As for the kitty, he seems to be very intelligent, if he is playing games with you. When we lived in our previous house, I would get very worried when one of the kitties was up on the roof and crying. I repeatedly tried to get the kitty down. Kitty was swatting at me, and I realized that he wanted to be up there, so I left him, and sure enough, he came back down again. It seems like your kitty is really trying to push your buttons. Little stinker.
I wish you energy, to keep up with your girl. Though if I attempt to send you any, it will come through as extreme sloth and sluggishness, as I am just extremely tired today. I don't know why.

Dirty Disher said...

Aww, thanks, Christina. When do I start them on reg feed and seeds and things? They got a cardboard scratch box I rigged up today. One enjoys it. It's raining today and cold so they roost a lot. Heater on medium. The predators I've caught out there can't get in, so they sit and stare at them like a deli window. I run them off and so does the cat all day. He's a funny one. My mom calls him protective, but, I figure he just thinks he owns them.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, just got back from finding Lissa's mom's place in the middle of nowhere. The kid had earbuds and her phone plugged to her head the whole way. It was like riding with a brick.

Anonymous said...

Oh. What kind of predators? If it is coons, and they are hungry, chicken wire will not really stand up to their little hands. They can take it apart. We have it for the upper part of our run, but the lower part is hardware cloth. My husband said that he didn't want to spend on hardware cloth for the whole thing. We have two large dogs, too, though. Your coons are probably well enough fed so it isn't an issue.
I would think that you can treat them to seeds pretty soon. I started with the other stuff, and then gradually changed over. The second chick may learn to scratch in the box, from the chick who has already figured it out. It might help if there are little rewards in there. Tiny pieces of grapes or tomatoes, berries, etc. They love raisins, too, but because of the size of most raisins, I would be cautious so they don't choke. They are so delicate, I don't know what can be done if that happens.
I know what you are saying about the human brick. When Andy was on our road trips with us, he would be playing his games, etc. and have his earbuds in. No conversation from him, and he was even irritated when we would interrupt to show him something.
Me: "Look, Andy! Look! It's the Golden Gate Bridge!!!"
Andy: "I'm in the middle of a game!!! You don't have to show me everything!!!!"
I have to say that he did end up well-adjusted, though. So, no permanent harm or lack of social life as far as I can see.

CatsPaw said...

Years ago, my son and I had a young cat we called Ouiji. We were living in a one story rental house when I separated from his father. Ouiji loved to go up the trees in front and get on the roof where he could sit and survey his kingdom, but when it was time to come down, he would cry and carry on, insisting to the whole neighborhood that he couldn't.

One day, I picked up a small mesh table on the open porch and raised it up as high as I could over my head to the edge of the roof, and after a couple of failed attempts, he stepped on to the thing and rode it as I lowered it to the porch where he jumped off, cool as the proverbial cucumber, and sauntered inside. We took to calling the table "the cat elevator" and that was Ouiji's game from then on until we lost him to FeLV at too young an age.

My rotator cuffs are too crapped up now to even contemplate such a thing.

Unknown said...

Indie, get off the roof. You're driving your mom nuts, and I know how that feels.

I was thinking of moving next door, DD, so we could help each other out, but forget it. We're both about useless now. I swear the movement stuff issues make one feel so damned old. I have to hire somebody to clean after I get junk cleared and more paperwork done, because I have people coming to stay a few days. I hate it. I'd rather clean and hire somebody to do paperwork. And organize. I gotta clean before I get a cleaner. Oh well, after the "guests" leave I have to move soon after so need cleaning anyway.

Life sucks, mostly. The trainer cancelled agility for tonight, but last night we did the A frame and a few jumps. Need him to set up the teeter totter and stuff. Too heavy. So it's ok. Mikey was there for 6 hours total because I had them give him a bath and cut to alleviate the problem with me getting 40-50- burrs out of him daily. His hair was all pulled and torn from me separating hair from burr. Now today they are mostly falling off and I've only had to work on a few. Tomorrow is a potluck at the dog park for people, and the dog park just for dogs while we eat. I'm going to try to determine if there is anybody who might be willing to help me out for pay. I hate to hire somebody off of PennySaver. But will if I have to.

I hope there is nothing wrong on your MRIs and you just need a happy pill. I think I maybe cracked a bone in my left hip but I can still walk, painfully. Or maybe I just need a happy pill. I have them, but they make me tired and listless, and I sure as hell don't need that.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, no, we feed our coons well, they aren't up to being predators. It's cats, hybrid Bobs, some dogs mostly. It's actually funny to watch them understand that they can see but not get the birds. It has to be unnerving for the birds though, so it pisses me off. I saw one badger, but, he was just passing by. Wild animals seems smarter about it than domestics. They seem to catch on quicker and not waste their time. I continue to give them bread and grapes, cut up, those have been favs since they were fluff. I try them on other stuff, like tomatoes, lettuce, but, they hate it. The little fuckers are picky. They won't even touch leftover boiled veg. Weird. Maybe they'll change later on. Oh, they do LOVE garden clover. I pick tons of it and cut it up with scissors for Cher, who has a small beak. It's out bonding They still like a cuddle.

I guess I won't worry about the 'brick' stage. But, it's irritating on long rides, I feel like I'm talking to myself, and I am. I mean, I do the ride for HER and she can't even answer a question like, what does that sign say? Instead I am treated to her off key vocals on Minaj tracks. Ugg.

Dirty Disher said...

CatsPaw, that is hands down, the best pet name I've heard in a long time. Now I want another animal so I can name it Ouija. Wee-Gee! The weird things animals do on an individual basis continue to entertain the world every day. They all have their quirks, don't they? I must say, forcing you to hold up yard furniture every day has to be a first. But, not the worst. Geez, they really do have our numbers.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, if you moved next door we could bitch together. I think that's more important than physical help most times. I just can't relate to most ppl around me. Around here, in Guntown, I mean. Though I do like the obvious losers. The so called 'normal' ones are really creepy. I also hate guests, as I live in this hoarder cabin right now with the laziest kid I have ever met. Hoarder kid. She drives me over the edge once a week or so. I could honestly clear a path with a snow shovel.

I think you should shave that dog. For real. Those burrs are too much for me. I get them on myself at the clothes line and damn! Those little tick ones are the worst and they hurt. The big ones are impossible to get completely out of hair. I have a lot of hair. I cut it and it comes right back. Let me know how hired help works out. It sounds like a dream to me, but, maybe I'd end up hating it. Bossing people around even sounds like hard work right now. My stupid spine is disintegrating (slowly) so, I feel like more MRI's is just silly. If it sucks at the bottom, it figures, it sucks at the top too. Driving is difficult, I didn't realize how many times you turn your head while driving. Owch. Minimul, insufficient medication for months now. I have finally started bitching, (on Friday, actually). I'm not as tough as I used to be. Ha.

Dan Zinski said...

Get a BB gun. Tag the cat in the ass a couple times. It'll learn.

Dirty Disher said...

I've had several people tell me that and I have considered it. But, I don't know if I could actually shoot an animal with a BB. I've only ever shot to kill for a reason. It still seems mean, those BB guns. I don't know. I might change my mind, but, then I'd have to buy a damn toy gun. I've bought Gabe a dozen, but, no BBs yet. Sigh. I don't really like guns.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh wait, you meant shoot my own cat with a BB. Doh. You don't mean a word of that. You should get another cat, Melvin. You know you still miss your cat.