Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Abandoned baby, now has a mom

I saw this pic on the parks n recreation site today, they said he was abandoned and needed help. They said he was going to a wild life rehabber and I thought, aww, no use contacting them, he has a place. Then I checked my messages and I'M the wildlife rehabber!!! Isn't that awesome? I actually forgot that I was back on their list. They named him Jagger and I love it. He's a sweet boy, sleeping in my lap. Something does seem 'off' about this one. He's odd and his mom may have abandoned him for that very reason. But, we shall see. He's eating and pooing, so, he's pretty healthy that way. I'll take pics and keep you posted, but, I am happy to help him hopefully find his way back to the forest, next Fall.


Jane said...

Awww, a new member of the family. I hope he's OK. Good luck Jagger!

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks! I'm going to enjoy this one. I really hope that nagging feeling I have about his oddities are wrong this time. But, even if I'm right, he's where he's supposed to be. He's adorable.

Angie said...

What do you think is off about him?

Dirty Disher said...

Well, he's way bigger than he should be for a raccoon who's eyes aren't open yet. His ears are open and he has a couple of teeth. All odd. He has a very strange mouth. His tounge is too big and flat. Way too big. His palate looks..well, different. He won't suck, but, he swallows fine. His head is very square. I am wondering if he's just a super big coon or what? The wild life people noticed all this too. I am going to buy him a reg human baby bottle in the AM and see if he does better with it. But, I'm super patient w/ babies, I got 2 ounces down him just now. It just took a LOOOOONG time. It's mostly the eyes I'm worried about. But, he has a sweet continence, he really does. He's a mellow dude.

Dan Zinski said...

It's Rocket Raccoon.

Dirty Disher said...

Pocket Raccoon!

Anonymous said...

Coolest thing ever to look and see that you are the rehabber! I do hope he is ok. I'd be stressed out also with the oddities. It will eventually become apparent what the problem, if it is a problem, is..

Angie said...

Do raccoons have chromosomal abnormalities like people, I wonder? He sounds like he has downs.

Anonymous said...

Really good observation Angie.