Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Children's Services are just awesome in every state, it seems

A young woman was recently reunited with her father, who lost her when her mother left and never told him where they were. He tried to find her, but, couldn't. When he finally did find her, on FB, she was grown, having been raised in foster care. The thing that got me was, HE was on her birth certificate. All social workers had to do was call him and he would have taken her home. But, no. She was raised in foster care. It gets worse. Now that they have found each other and are doing really well, social services sent him a bill for over $7 grand for taking care of her. Fuck those people. Fuck them hard.


connie45 said...

I hope this Dad gets himself a lawyer who can at a minimum make this outrageous bill disappear and then sue Soc Svcs for all the lost time, which is priceless, and emotional distress this has caused him!

Now this is off topic Pat - I need a little help if you possibly can. Marina is in the midst of a 2 day tryout for her schools volleyball team. She's been playing for years and has a real love for the game. She's also been on a club team for the last 2 years and has a knack and talent for it. She has blossomed as a player and works very hard. But there is just something about these "school" tryouts that messes with her mind and totally undermines her confidence level. I mean it plummets to the depths of the ocean and nothing I say or don't say helps.

Im hoping that maybe you and the good ladies here can send Marina some good vibes, thoughts - kind words, anything that may help her through this successfully. I know in the grand scheme of life this is just a tiny blip but anything you can put out there or anything you can tell me that I can do, will be so appreciated!

Thank you!

Dirty Disher said...

I am lighting a special lite and sending her good vibs, I hope she gets it.

connie45 said...

That means alot to me! Thank you!

Jane said...

It may be a small blip to everyone else, but it's a giant earthquake to Marina. I'll be sending good thoughts to her. Tell her she needs to get an attitude---one that says she is good or better than the rest and get in there and show her stuff! Go Marina!!!!!

connie45 said...

Thank you Jane! I know that a large part of her anxiety is that she constantly compares herself to every other girl and decides she comes up short. 13 is a tough age. Insecurities galore!

Anonymous said...

You bet 13 is tough. I remember. And good vibes going her way from me, woo.