Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Duggar horror continues

I was clicking through some click bait of Jessa Duggar's house. The so called 'free house' that Jim Boob and Michelle are allowing Jessa and her new husband, Ben, to live in. This photo hit me like a brick. I understand these girls way better than most people would think. I grew up with people who share a similar religion. There are a lot of 'last straws' in people lives, but, I think if I was a Duggar daughter, this would be one of them. Knowing my parents expect me and my new husband to sleep on the stained mattress that once belonged to the older brother who had systematically sexually molested me when I was just a child would be a last straw. These people need a lot more than prayer.  A lot more. They are not only child abusers, they are criminals. I just found out they could have been prosecuted with Josh under Arkansas law, 'failure to protect a minor'. Since they did know about the abuse prior, yet they still allowed Josh to continue the abuse. They could have gotten six years in prison were it not for the statue of limitations. I believe they deserve a lot more than six years.

BTW, here's a will not see the show back on tv, but, you will see Duggars. The Duggar daughters will get their own show. Many people watch and love train wrecks. No one could protest an income for the victims. You watch and see.


Anonymous said...

They remodeled the whole house for her. New everything including granite in the kitchen and furniture. They wouldn't leave that bed, surely. It would also have birth stains all over it. No, they must have replaced it. Mustn't they?

Anonymous said...

I understand a lot of this providing nicely for their girls is their duty as the dowry. I dunno, I don't like the idea of dowry or bride price. Let's not be all religious about it and just consider stuff a gift, because I love you and want you to be happy. You being happy makes me happier. But no, you relate it to religion, Duggars and others, creeps me out.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, have you seen the remodel? Contact paper and bullshit. Of course they kept the bed.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe so. Astounding tho. If I have it on I just see in in passing while walking thru the room or glancing up from computer. I can't bear to really watch anything. It looked ok from I saw, the kitchen and thought nah the bed Must be gone. I wouldn't sleep on the damned thing.

Dirty Disher said...

They are the cheapest people anywhere. All that, buy used, save the difference. I'm poor, I get it. But, I am not sending my kid to school in used, dirty, worn shoes. They buy shit for those children that I would throw out. Fuck the kids, I guess. It's all about mom and dad. They are the most selfish pigs I have ever seen.

Dirty Disher said...

btw, I know about the shoe thing because I saw it on the show when the show started. I remember thinking, jesus, those are nasty shoes.

Anonymous said...

That is gross and disgusting. They are the sort of parents that give Christians everywhere a bad name. It's just sad how they treat their daughters. Very sad if she and her husband had to sleep on Josh's stained old mattress.
I am very disturbed by the tone of a number of news stories on the Duggars right now. The general tone that I heard yesterday was that the information never should have been released. That it was illegal, and never should have come to light. How is that right? Why are we not focusing on the fact that he abused his sisters and their friend, and his parents knew, and chose to disobey the law. They knew what he did, and hid it, and chose not to report him to actual law enforcement. Why are they above the law? Shouldn't they be arrested? Jim Bob is dirty. He has too many political connections, and just thought that he could make it go away. That really pisses me off. He knew what was happening, and chose to believe that they didn't need to abide by the law.
It gives me a gut ache to think of how upset that little girl must have been to write that letter and stick it in a book. I wonder if she was disciplined (privately) for doing that. They must have figured out who wrote that note. Sickening. If it was you or I who did that, we would be in jail, and lose our other kids. I hope this destroys their little empire. They have now been exposed and only the truly blind will follow them.

Dirty Disher said...

They can't be arrested. They made sure the statue of limitations on their crime and their son's, is up. If you look on my link list, you will see a ex-Quiverfull site(no Longer Quivering)that has been there since I started this blog. Oh, yeah. I've had the Duggar's number for a long time. That is not a religion, it's a cult.

Dirty Disher said...

Sorry about typos. I am typing with a coon in one hand.

Jane said...

Now just how often do you hear someone say that---I'm typing with a coon in my hand! Made me laugh! I'd rather talk about the little baby coon than the Duggars any day.

Dirty Disher said...

Ha ha. Me too. This coon is zonked out, man, he must have been starving. They couldn't get him to eat. I got him to eat and now he's just oblivious to anything. Geez, I hope he stays this easy.