Thursday, June 18, 2015

Arm hickey (not pretty)

He does this weird thing to my arm when he's tired and cranky. He's not hungry, he doesn't want a bottle, he just fighting sleep and wants to chew and suck on something. It's always my arm in that same spot. I don't really care, if it comforts him, it's fine. As long as he doesn't break my skin. He doesn't know how strong he is yet or how to control a bite. He'll learn and I'll have a few little scars, I'm sure. He really goes after it, doesn't he? I always have to pry him off me with a loud, audible POP! Then I substitute a wet wash cloth for him to pacify on and into bed he goes. Raccoons are a little crazy, but, that's okay, so am I sometimes. I only cage him when he sleeps or when I'm doing something where he could get hurt, like cooking. He's formed such an attachment to me, he's always with me. Underfoot, clawing up my leg, sitting on my shoulder, napping in my lap, he will not move more than 3 feet away from me. All day long. It's sweet, but, impossible to get anything done. Sometimes I just have to distract him with a new toy or something very tactile in his cage. Just so I can get a minute alone. Sort of like having a toddler. A toddler who bites.


Jane said...

My cats do almost the same with a very soft blanket or my nightgowns. They knead the fabric and suck at the same time. I've been told that's called smurgling (sp). It gives them comfort.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. I am glad you are there for him, and saved his life, but I couldn't do what you do. I admit to being a weenie about being sucked and snacked on.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, my cat does it too. On my neck. He's like a vampire kitty. I try to make him stop, but, he'll do it every chance he gets. Strange.

Christina, I enjoy the fact that Raccoons are rough and tough. You can really get down with them when they're a little older. He's gettin' there.

Anonymous said...

OUCH. Damn reminds me of all Mickey's puppy bites. The mom or litter mates are supposed to teach them not to, but Mickey didn't learn from them, from my border collies Penny and Patch or from me. He finally just had to grow out of it. Until then, bruised and battered.

Dan Zinski said...

If some varmint started chewing on my arm that would be the last thing it ever did.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, he bit me good and now he's lost my arm pacifier, lol.

Melvin, you'd spoil him so bad. He's own you.