Thursday, June 18, 2015

Courtney Love Interviewed by Jemima Kirke

Courtney Love is now 50 years old and still rockin'. Also still acting, getting good parts and turning her reputation around. THIS interview is really interesting.

"CL: It’s what you said earlier—it’s about discipline. Discipline is going to see me through, so I think as long as I show up and I’m disciplined, but I still have to prove myself … I got asked to speak at
TED—they want me to speak on “reputation.”

JK: Oh, you should do it!

CL: I’m thinking, rather than speak on it, why don’t I just prove it? You know what I mean? Rather than discuss it out loud in front of the world, why don’t I just prove it and then maybe speak on it after I’ve proven it? Take a bad reputation and turn it into a good one, take all those things that were hideous and turn poison into medicine. So that’s my answer to that, my love."

She seems to be past most of the crazy and I'm glad. I like Courtney a lot, I think she's super talented and I can't wait to hear her new songs. I finally got around to watching 'A Montage Of Heck' last night. It was alright, but, there wasn't anything new in it that we didn't already know about Kurt. There was a lot of animation with his voice over it and that was surprisingly good. Nice little home movie clips they took of each other and the baby. It was sweet. In the interview she talks about not being able to sing certain songs and that surprised me. I think her voice is awesome, I didn't think there was anything she couldn't sing. I had to look up 'Messin' With My Mind", that Patty Labelle song. Damn, that's pure RnB funk, I love it. I'm gonna work up my own version of it. Courtney could have sang the fuck out of that. She just didn't want to. When it comes to music, Courtney only does HER thing. So for all her talk of discipline and reputation, she just won't fuck around with music she isn't in to. Thanks for passing it on to me, Court. I love it. I have her linked on FB, that's where I got the interview link. She's pretty cool, sometimes she actually answers commenters on there.


Dan Zinski said...

You see Soaked in Bleach?

Dirty Disher said...

I've seen parts of it, I need to sit and watch the whole thing. What did you think of it? Do you really think Courtney has some dark secret?

Dan Zinski said...

She's a devious master criminal.

Anonymous said...

I recorded the "Montage of Heck" thing when someone here mentioned it, but hadn't watched it yet. Maybe I will now.