Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bill Hudson calls it quits with Kate and Oliver

HERE is the latest on the Bill Hudson saga of his relationship with his children, Kate and Oliver, with Goldie Hawn. He said, she said, has been going on for decades. Now Bill, upset over the kid's father's day posts, one where Oliver scorned him and both of them gave shout outs to 'Pa', which is what they adorably (gag) call Kurt Russell, has said, that's it! He says the kids are out of his life for good, goodbye, change your last name to Russell, I am done. He even threw out their baby booties. Oh, fuck. He's gone too far. Now I can't even give him the benefit of the doubt. You never turn your back on your kids. Never. Kids will fuck with your head and say all kinds of hurtful shit to you because they are your kids. You are their parent. And I believe I have said on here many times, no matter how good or bad you parent, you WILL screw up your kids. You just will. They are different people than you. So, times get rough. You will be hated and set up to look like the asshole, wether you are or not. Doesn't matter. Never say anything. Let it blow over and give them time to apologize and they will. You never, EVER say you're done with them. Now, Bill Hudson really is the asshole. You blew it Hudson, your hurt feelings are not enough to warrant what you just said to your children. Besides that, change your last names?? Really? That is fucked up. He sounds like a whiny baby.

I like that ancient pic of him and Goldie. She looks totally stoned.


Anonymous said...

I read an interview with him about this a few years ago and he DID sound like a whiny guy with a personality disorder. You can never be sure unless you witness it all yourself for a sufficient length of time, but it occurred to me he was probably like my ex - effed as shit but puts on an excellent front 99% of the time, plus is very tall, handsome and well-spoken and .. believable.
Goldie isn't my idol in any way except she was a great 60s iconic performer, but I think she must have dumped him when she realized how icky he was. JMO. Cuz I've been there and they will trash you as long as they are still breathing.

Dirty Disher said...

I agree. I read her sob story shortly after Oliver was born, then Bill started his whine. She is not innocent, but, he is really an asshole.

Dirty Disher said...

BTW, I forgot to say how much I like Oliver. I look foreward to seeing him on tv or film again. I can take or leave Kate. Not a big fan of her. Except for Almost Famous.

Anonymous said...

I agree. You never say stuff like that to your children. You have to remember who is the adult. Or, the older adult, in this case. Once you say it, you can never really take it back, so consider your words carefully.