Thursday, June 4, 2015

Dad videos forced hair cut..the results stun me

A father video shamed his young daughter by cutting her hair all off for her misdeed. That video is on HERE. A few days later, the child killed herself. She was only 13. I cried for the girl, I cried for the parents. When are parents going to stop shaming their kids on video in public?? And forced haircuts? I can't think of a much worse passive thing to do, it's so evil.


iambriezy said...

Fucker. Even if he didn't publicly shame her, he punished his 13 year old daughter by cutting her hair off?? Are you kidding me? He should be prosecuted for manslaughter.

Jane said...

I really don't know what to say about that! He was wrong, but she could have found a better way to get even with him. So, I think she was disturbed about way more than just the haircut. Maybe that should pushed her over the edge.

Anonymous said...

I know a high school friend who shames her children (ages 17-23) on Facebook because they do not give her Mother's Day, B-day gifts or kiss her ass daily. She does not seem to realize that the reason she does not get shit is because she is and was always a crappy mother. My point is. Don't publically shame your children on social media. It's not 10 years ago where you publically punished your child and it was forgotten. Today, there is evidence of that shame forever and ever. Social media is not the place to scold your children. I would say this father should be charged with a crime, but I think he is probably being punished enough publically and has guilt.

Anonymous said...

That's so sad. Appearance, and especially hair, are such a huge thing at that age. It had to be devastating to her. It's such a shame that he thought he could manage her that way.

Anonymous said...

Well, once and I was not that little. I was in 6th grade. I washed my hair with Dial soap one night in the shower. The next day when I woke up. WTF? So, I didn't know what caused my hair to be stiff and look like a helmet from hell. So, I started cutting it, and I had school that day! I cut off all that I could of the stiff hair and went to school. Little did I know, it would washed out. I got made fun of by boys that day. Kids can be cruel. But also, how dumb was I? I have had several school/hair incidents that could have ruined me. With teachers laughing too. And guess what? I laugh my ass off now about it, myself. **I didn't click the video. But hair trauma is real. But some cannot get over it. Some can. I am a repeat offender of my own making. I survived. I think kids now are more sensitive BECAUSE of social media.