Sunday, June 7, 2015

Dusty Springfield You Don't Have To Say You Love Me


I was up, it's 3 am here, feeding Jag and watching vids and I found this one. Watch her crazy exaggerated hand motions. I swear, she looked like she was doing some voodoo or something. I don't wave my hands around that much when I AM hoodooing. Dusty Springfield is interesting, you should watch documentaries on You Tube about her, she was just something else. I love her and this is a good tune. I'm not sure, but, I would think that Dusty probably rates in the top 10 of BIG recording stars with the most hits in the world. I wonder who the top 10 are anyway? Someone should look that up. She has to be on the list.

BTW, Jag woke me up this time, in fact, he had crawled out of his box on the floor (with the flaps closed) and was in my bed, crawling up my legs. As soon as I sat up, he started raising all kinds of hell. Man, it makes me happy. How did he manage to find me though?


Unknown said...

Jag knows what Mama smells like. :) His eyes may not be open yet, but that sniffer works well!!

Kylie said...

Yeah, I loved Dusty but those are some weird hand things going on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Survival skills, to know your mom and go to her. Sweet baby.

Frimmy said...

Her gestures are unusual but seem appropriate to the song. They evoked the idea that she was entreating or pleading and inviting and didn't distract from her performance. They were graceful and reminded me of Polynesian dancers' hands and not like Celine and that chest whacking thing she does.

Unknown said...

Aw, he knows what his mommy smells like! And it's awesome that he'll come looking for you, to tell you he wants a snuggle or whatever :)

Check your email....

Anonymous said...

Hands did seem a bit strange on the vid I usually don't watch vids because they load so slow but my borrowed internet works better.

Jane said...

Dusty reminds me of many of the female backup singers from way back when. They did a lot of hand motions. I wonder if she was ever a backup for anyone?

Jane said...

And Jag has a good nose. He knows where his next meal is. I don't know who gave him that name, but I love it.