Friday, June 5, 2015

The abortion case the Forced Birthers do not want to talk about

HERE is an interesting article. A woman in Idaho gave herself an abortion and was charged with intentional self termination. Nice job, Idaho. Interesting that the state lost the case against her. Interesting to read archaic laws. Did you know there once was a law that stopped abortion only because, it said, woman may become depressed and regretful. Really? Boy, us women sure are lucky to have the men controlling the state think for us. We don't wanna get depressed, do we? Interesting that the right to an abortion is constitutionally protected. That's why the forced birth people are getting so sneaky with these weird little laws that are so impossible to follow, they shut down clinics. Sigh. I am depressed for women now. I don't wanna be a Duggar.


Anonymous said...

Say what? I have to go back and make the type real big and read again. It's legal; it's not; it is…..

All I know is, we have a right to it. Therefore there have to places where it's done.
I know the "I regret it, I'm depressed" argument made by the original woman in Roe v Wade who came out in public to join the anti-abortionists. Well, too bad so sad. Because you regret it doesn't mean other women don't have the choice. So anti-abotionists, go stuff it.

Anonymous said...

In my youth, you went to Tijuana for this. Unless you hooked up with a med student who arranged to meet you at a motel, and you had to agree to be really drunk so you wouldn't feel or remember anything. Tiajuana was better.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh that damn roe case..I could puke. Yeah, they're making it hard, forcing so many clincs closed because ppl can't see what they're up to. Like, oh we understand your right, all we ask is that you have a vaginal probe ultrasound first. Really? Why? Because clincs can't afford that. Or all we ask is that anything after bla bla weeks be done in a real hospital. Knowing no hospital is anywhere near and probably won't comply with this anyway. Hospitals have other things to do. Or they're 500 miles away. Most women who need abortions don't have a way to get there. Those forced birthers are sneaky bastards.

Dirty Disher said...

Dang Border, I went to Tijuana for the leather work and horse shit cigs. I did go through the forced birthers picket line here. I had to have escorts hired by the clinic. It was crazy.

Jane said...

My best friend when I was in my 20's, went to Texas for her abortion. She later found out that she couldn't have kids because of difficulties she had. She also found religion at the same time. Guess what side of the fence she's on---and big time! I think she beats herself with a cat of 9 tails for forgiveness. I now try to avoid her.

Anonymous said...

Jane I am sorry your BF came upon the guilters
For religions, all of them, if your God is one of love, He/she is a God of forgiveness. God wants you to live a good life, one of freedom and peace. She is in with the wrong crowd. Obviously that crowd doesn't know the meaning of love.

Anonymous said...

Pat I always had to be in the mood for Tijuana. The shopkeepers surround you and all have a deal for crap for you that you don't want at any price. Well, of revolution ave anyway. Great place for leather goods, cheap smokes (if you can get them back past customs now) and for car body and interior repairs. Once had a motor home repainted in high wind at Rosarita Beach, and they did a great job.

iambriezy said...

Ah...Rosarita Beach. We used to stay at the The Rosaria Beach Hotel for 50 bucks a night and get shitfaced on 2 dollar Pina Coladas, when we were 16. Those were the days...

Anonymous said...

man, America is crazy. the whole medical system in your country is just so fucked up, and the whole concept of having to 'fight' to be able to get an abortion- when its your own body. its unreal. the shame that's associated with it and the way women are castigated for it is just so sad. and men are the ones who control all the laws and judgements surrounding the issue. its wild.
-Polly from the UK

Dirty Disher said...

The guilters are so special, aren't they Border and Jane? "You will never forgive yourself!" Yet they're always christians who preach forgiveness. What a quandry!

~If you like pina coladas, and gettin' caught in the rain~

Tell me about what it's like there for women, Polly.