Sunday, June 14, 2015

Eve of Destruction(Lyrics)

Song of the day, this is still so appropriate that it's beyond ironic. This was the second song I ever learned to play (the first was Blowin' In The Wind), so it has a place in my heart. It's pretty dang simple, but, sometimes simple is good. The chords are..

Get out yer git and give it a try. It's still a really good tune and everyone knows most of the words. I guess part of me will always be that little flower girl with the love beads and peace sign. Only the hope is gone now.


Anonymous said...

Awww. . . the last comment breaks my heart. How can the hope ever be truly gone? You are going to live a better life, with your new home, and your chickens, and that beautiful grand-daughter keeping you young (okay, I admit you will probably feel old with all the young energy around).
I am sorry your neighbors (both directions) are idiots, but at least they have animals you like.
I have put off learning how to play guitar because I was worried about damaging the pretty little thing, but I think I will start trying it out, and if this song is this simple, maybe that will be what I work on first. The name is appropriate enough. :)

Jane said...

I think all of us from that generation remember the flower child feeling. But I would like to feel the hope is still alive. It's just changed a lot. I gave up that peace on earth dribble a long time ago. Now, I just settle for peace for those close to me.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, please don't save the guitar for Purdy. They can always be fixed if you fuck 'em up. I am so glad I now have a few, because I find myself strumming and picking pretty melodies one moment and BLAM, I'm banging the thing so hard I put it out of tune in 3 minutes. Or break strings. It's so satisfying to hear that SOUND. I was playing Sunshine Of Your Love last night. Took me a long time to get it. (not the chords, the lead/bass. But, I did. Then I moved on to Seven Nation Army, which is pretty similar. Then thinking I was smart (I aint) I tackled Roadhouse Blues and Clapton's Cocaine. Cocaine is super fun. I don't know if I'd ever have the balls to play them in front of anyone else, but, I sure enjoy my little concerts. Acoustics are my first love, but, fucking amps rock. You feel powerful.

Hey, I know a shit load of songs you can play with 3 chords! I know 2 you can master with ony two chords. Horse with no name by America, you can do with Am and G. And Wait 'Till The Midnight Hour is Em and A. No shit. That's a great tune. Hell Proud Mary stays on D forever unil you hit the simple A and Bm or E. (take your pick) Then poof, back to D. I throw a G in there, because, why not? LOL. But, it's not really in there. Do you sing? There are so many simple songs I can think of where it's a voice show off song and not technical crap on guitar. Those work nice, if you have a good voice. I used to have an awesome voice, so I was always rhytum playing, but, now my voice sucks sometimes, I sound like a man. Instead if crying about it, I now do men songs!! Men have all the great riffs, 'cept for Heart. Those bitches went to Juliard. Oh, I do Jimi's Watchtower now! Something I would never have attempted when I was a chick singer. And I like it, yes I do. Hit me up, I would love to help you get started and see you progress.

Dirty Disher said...

Peace and love, Jane. Hey, You're not really Jane Asher are you??

Dirty Disher said...

Oh Christina, damn, I forgot. Do you need a tuner? I have a couple and I never use them. They help when you're starting out though. An out of tune string can make you give up.

Jane said...

Texas is being hit by tropical storm Bill. That's all they needed more rain andin the same places as the last.