Friday, June 12, 2015

Good news, bad news, continuing BULLSHIT

Awww, Jiggy Jag refused his bottle today. Since he has a bit of front teeth and those two sharp nice ones on the bottom, I thought, what the hell, I'll let him try a plate. He didn't eat the soft syrup soaked bread, but, he lapped up all the milk. The next feeding I ditched the bottle and put his warm formula right in that old pie dish and he was one happy boy. That stupid bottle always was awful. And that drip feeding was not natural and certainly not comforting. But, it kept him alive when he was so weak. He knew it too, that's why he was so cooperative. This semi weaning stage is So much better. Of course, it means a full bath after every feed until he gets the hang of it. He climbs clear into the pan to get it all. You can't stop him, he's like a tiny tank. Since he's recovered from whatever ordeal he went through, he's meeting milestones at a rapid pace. He's such a sweet boy, I just love being with him. He keeps me pretty busy, but, I don't mind. He will play by himself in his cage if I put different toys in there. He likes to explore and feel everything a million times, like he's reading braille. I put a human baby doll in there today and he liked it a lot. He kept feeling it's face and wooting questions. I talk to him all the time. He knows his name. He also knows Indie's name. And of course, he knows, food, eat, milk. I don't even mention those words unless chows on and ready or he'll claw his way up my leg, screaming like a maniac.
Feet of death, run jag, run!
                                                   Do de do, Coon? What Coon?

Oh shit! The double down death stare. I wish you could have seen how fast he ran back to me.
Yep, just run. I would. Them bitches aint playin'.
Just the ladies and one Rooster hangin' out. Sherrie finally let the newcomers into his fucking flock. He's shitty as hell to them, always bossing and herding them. He treats them like Jim Bob treats Michelle. But, they're in. Man, that was a pain in the ass for me, having to separate them and make sure everyone got beds and enough to eat. So, yeah, I'm pretty happy, even if Sherrie is an MCP.
I just liked that picture. I wanted to show you the bird bath fountain thing I got at a yard sale. I got the guy down to $15 bucks, then I couldn't even carry the top piece, so I paid him $10 to deliver it. Oh well, it's cool and odd. I'll get a better pic, but, I think it's supposed to be like, cherub Neptune and his symbol, but, it looks like a chubby naked baby fucking a big ass fish. It's pretty funny. I scored a box of pumps at another sale for a buck, so hey, I think I did alright. It looks hilarious sitting next to the chicken pen. Sometimes I wonder if my last name is really Clampet.


Anonymous said...

The Clampet joke was too funny - but I was just thinking how nice your yard looks - I'm not iinto manicured landscapes these days. It looks comfortable and real and usable.
But you would call Me Clampet if you saw my backyard. I lost the battle with the weeds and my veg eedlings aren't even planted while most people are probably harvesting some of their vegs. So ya, yours looks good. My hubs is the guy who brought things home all the time. We had all kinds of things in our yard but I'm trying to tame it

Jag sounds like an incredible companion. I've always like raccoons but never got close to them for obvious reasons

Dirty Disher said...

Awww, thanks, but, the garden is so neglected this year. I am trying to get foundation plants in at the other place and it's rained continuously. I like planting in the rain, but, man, it is REALLY wet and soggy. You can't even turn over a shovel full. I just had to give up or hurt myself. And Jag is a little doll baby. He likes it when I rock and sing to him. I just love him. It will be hard to see him go. I have the whole Summer though.

Jane said...

I can't believe how big the chicks are. And Indie is playing nice with everyone. Love the pics of Jag in the bowl. He will be hard to saw goodbye to.

Jane said...

And I love Jag's tank top. He is the dude!

sally said...

Pat that top pic with baby raccoon and the chicken feet is freaking hysterical! It looks like a cartoon. cracked me up!

Your little farm looks idyllic! lucky chickens that's for sure :-)

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, Indie plays fairly nice, but, that's old Bonnie in the pic. She's over 20 yrs old and has no compulsion to kill anymore. She just loves the chickens and practically lives with them. She's ALWAYS with them, it's strange, but, cute.

Sally, I enjoy my critters. I am just so entertained by them. My house is a mess and there are a million things I need to do, but, I'd rather rock my baby Coon while we watch chicken tv. So, I do. Life goes fast, you have to grab happy moments when you can and not worry about shit. Shit waits.

Anonymous said...

What a nice yard you have! And the entertainment that you have is better than anything on TV. Chicken TV and a baby coon to play with and care for. Who could ask for better? Your chickens have been growing like weeds, and little Jagger is adorable. I am glad to see that he is doing so well after that rough start.
Interesting that you got a rooster in your flock. I don't know if they separate out the pullets and roos when they are considered meat birds. Otherwise the error rate is about 10%.
I am all for sitting back and enjoying what you have, rather than scurrying around trying to clean up and not enjoying your life. I have a million messes here. Some of them mine, many of them his. He served me with papers about a week and a half ago, and asked for everything, so I probably overreacted. It says I can't liquidate anything, so I have not thrown away any of the old stuff or junk. I texted him about this this last week, and he did not say what I thought he would. I thought he would say, oh, sure. . .go ahead and get rid of stuff (because he is lazy, and would not want to do it himself), but no. . . he said that question should go to the attorney. All the while telling me that he was not the monster or bad guy that I seem to think he is. If this is what he is doing, he is a bad guy. I am trying to sit back and enjoy life as it is. I don't know where I will be living, or what I will have to live on once he is done. I am enjoying my girls and their eggs, and Emma and Harley. I also enjoy my son, but he has a girlfriend, and they seem to be fairly serious, so I don't see him that much. Your yard looks so much nicer than mine. Mine is green, too, but there are holes everywhere from Emma digging, and stuff she has torn up. George left one side and the door to the feed shed/tool shed as tar paper. He kept saying he would finish it, but he never did, and I don't think he will at this point. Emma has been tearing off all the tar paper she can reach. She also took all the cedar shingles off the A-frame ark coop. They are everywhere. I wish George had her energy.