Friday, June 12, 2015

Randy Rogers "Missing You Is More Than I Can Do"

Thought I'd share one more, this is just such a fucking pretty song. I love the way he plays too. He's a master of acoustic simplicity and 6 string emotion. Today's a good day to go on a Randy Rogers Band jag. Man, I will never figure out why such bad things happen to good people.


connie45 said...

He's one of those rare singers that can truly tell a story using his singing voice. My heart goes out to he and his wife, just devestating!

Anonymous said...

OT. Dirty Disher, I have a friend who has been in the hospital for two weeks with undiagnosed pain in the abdomen that is so intense that when she has an attack it looks like she is having a seizure and these attacks can last up to an hour and come throughout the day. If I recall you said you were in the hospital for something similar and it was very serious. If you don't mind sharing, what was your diagnosis? I wouldn't ask but the doctors aren't very effective and all the friends and family are at our wits end trying to find answers.


Anonymous said...

LAURAJEAN if you don't mind I will give a suggestion. Could be stomach ulcer or could be twisted or blocked intestine. It happened to me. If she is throwing up as well it probably is. I had both things wrong at the same time. Excrutiating pain, like it bores straight through you.