Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Josh Duggar hired Steve Nield

Everyone is talking about how the Dullards, err, Duggars, hired Fuckabees, errr, Huckabee's political advisor to try and help restore their image, which, isn't working. The more those jesus suckers talk, the deeper they dig their nasty hole. But, speaking of nasty holes, Josh and his retarded robot wifey are loading up and moving back to Arkansas to be near the family. Awwww, Joshy, the Pillsbury Pervboy, misses his sisters. (Only the little ones.) But, anyhow, he hired that dude that used to work for Kate Gosselin. Remember Steve? The silver haired fox body guard we all knew she was fucking? Yeah, THAT guy. (Kate let him go when she found that really rich dude she's humping.) So, now Steve has to keep Pervboy safe from the public. I hope someone in that fucked up family has the guts to lay on this stupid fucker how much he took away from his family. Why would you go back there and shit on them some more? Fuck him. And his special ed little twat on the prarie.


Anonymous said...

So Steve has moved on. How about that. Maybe he had to get his man back, and the way to do it was to go from the man-eater Kate to the perv. He charges way over a grand a day tho, so Josh better be making other arrangements fast. He'll have to get used to ugly looks and snide comments so he might as well start now. He has a big adjustment to make, going from being so brazen to slinking around. I hear Kate's new BF (who she formerly denied was a bf) is not so good with women. He may give her a beat down if she talks to him like she did to Jon and everybody else, for that matter.

Jane said...

Border, if Kate's BF did give her a good beat down, I hope it's on TV. I would pay to see that.

As for Josh, I hope he hasn't molested his own daughter already. He needs to be separated from her---just to keep her safe.

Anonymous said...

I'd pay too, Jane. I'm convinced that TLC wanted rid of her and got to dump her for 2 years or so by showing all her ugly on the RV trip. None but the few rabid sheep in love with her could excuse that behavior. I know the crew was well rid of her. They'd had it as well. That Jim the sound guy on Duggers was also at her house when the kids were small. They were all part of who she considered her family, and they haven't darkened her door again. They can only take so much abuse, and see so much abuse doled out before they break.

Anonymous said...

I worry about his daughters, too, Jane.

Dan Zinski said...

If Jesus had just had a good spin doctor he never would've gotten nailed up.

Josh Duggar said...

Suck my balls, Disher. Mindless twat.