Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Holly Madison's Playboy Hell??

So, Holly wrote a book (ha ha) and they say she absolutely trashed Hugh Heffner in it. She claims she was disgusted by his dog pee stained carpets and baby oil and vaseline in every room. Oh, and he offered her Qualudes and called them 'thigh openers'. She claims he also took her self confidence away with his insults.

WTF? I call bullshit on all this mess. Is this bitch broke now? When some old rich guy holes up in his mansion with his beloved animals, there will be pee stains. Didn't this twat have like, three dogs of her own in there?? Why was she surprised that he was a perv?? And where the hell did he get Qualudes, they stopped making them decades ago. She's such a fucking piece of shit. I remember when he was her 'puffin' and she couldn't get enough of his old ass. She only has any kind of fame because of him. Also, she should stop implying that she was a bunny. She was never a bunny, she just liked the costume, even though Hef didn't want her wearing it. These fucking women disgust me. Gold digging whores have no right to talk shit about some rich guy they were rolling when he made everything quite  clear to them from the beginning. Just be a good whore, and shut up.


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to agree. 100%.

BTW I've been to the mansion, at a party, where they had valets handy to park your car for you, and I was in Heff's movie room stealing his embossed match books when he walked in for a chat. I really had nothing much to say. It was a fundraiser for an organization his daughter Christie was interested in, and I was on the board. All these NGO charities are excuses for fancy parties and your name and picture in the magazines.

Except for the people who decide to go do humanitarian work in some hot, inhospitable, war-torn area and get taken prisoner or end up dead. Or who go and get ebola. Better to be on the board and do parties.

elle said...

Meh,I'm also pretty doubtful about most of her claims. Like I assume he has a huge staff so I doubt the house is in as much disarray as she claims. And the qualudes part just reminds me of that very hilarious Wolf of Wall Street scene and no I don't believe it. On the other hand I can believe the other girlfriends were backstabbing and when she got a "makeover" he was upset. But I think when you agree to be Heffs girlfriend you basically agree to him controlling basically everything you do, so it's a trade off. I must admit if I saw this book at the library I'd pick it up. Also I would so love Bridget or Kendra to weigh in with their opinions.

connie45 said...

What I recall from watching a few episodes was that the girls rooms were always trashed and that the mansion seemed in desperate need of repairs and updates.

She annoyed me then - that fake forced laugh - as she does now.

By the way Pat - thank you so much to you and the other ladies who sent Marina positive vibes - She made it!

Anonymous said...

I used to hang out at the mansion all the time in the mid-70's (my best friend at the time was Miss January, 1977, and I just went along for the ride). It was a filthy, disgusting pig sty back then, and it surprised me not that absolutely nothing has changed in the last almost 40 years - it's still filthy and disgusting. Probably the same carpeting!

Anonymous said...

Yep, dirty and crawling with who knows what. My BFF's son bartends there now.. Stay out of the water and off the beds. Everybody has done everything in water or on sheets around there. OK to walk around outside tho, and the valets were good.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, I'm jealous. I would love to see the mansion and meet Hef. I can think of so many things to ask him. He was sort of a pioneer for the women's rights movement. That's why I call bullshit on Holly's crap. She was a straight up gold digger and he knew it, he just wasn't that into her. I have nothing against digging for gold, but, man, don't be a dick because you didn't get what you want.

Dirty Disher said...

Elle, Bridgett is the only one who remains quiet, I believe. I always liked her Halloween fetish. Looked like a blast. Kendra is likable, if dumb as dirt. But, that dang Holly always rubbed me the wrong way. She really thought very highly of her looks and well, you know. Great beauty is more than blonde extensions and mediocre nose jobs.

Dirty Disher said...

Woooo! Anon. I think it's sort of cool that it's unchanged. I'd love to see his zoo. I like that he likes animals so much and when I watched the show, those animals all knew him. That told me a lot about him really.

Border, goes without saying, but. you know, it's his house. My house is gross right now.