Friday, June 12, 2015

Now, some pics and ONE word. Neighbors


A long day for a wee one, getting nearly weaned, inspecting the house, meeting the chickens and getting another bath. He's just tuckered out and toppled over. So cute. Bedtime, buddy.


Before I could make up his bed, he found my purse and climbed in. I wondered what in the world he was doing.  Oh. He found two Slim Jims in there (don't judge me) and dug them out. Red hot and teriyaki. Nope. I took them away, but, he has good instincts and a great nose.

Night night, I'll rub your belly until you fall asleep. That didn't take long, did it? Aww, sweepy deep, Jiggy Jag, little George Coony. I wonder what Coons dream of? Hmm, Slim Jims maybe.

NOW, for the full on BULL FUCKING SHIT. You remember I told you about those weird neighbors, the ASKholes? Gimmie this, gimmie that. Yeah. Today, I refused to answer my door. I wanted to do nothing today, I wanted to spend it alone with my animals...and that's what I did. So this woman had the nerve to go to my moms house and ask to use her shower. Mom said she used all her products, towels and even a scrubbie thing. I said, that's just ick. WTF, who does that? Mom was also nice enough to let her wash her clothes. Did she do a load? Fuck no, she washed all day and used an entire new bottle of Tide which she didn't buy. (Later mom checked and a  few other expensive products were missing too.)  It gets worse. She was whining to my mother about how broke she is and mom said she'd give her $10 bucks to clean off a shelf in the living room. Hell, I would have done it for $10 bucks, it's just knick knack crap and dust. So anyhow, mom said, she did a good job, but, she wanted a box to put these old books in. So the old lady tells her to go to the back room, the storage room (I had already told this neighbor that I'm moving and the boxes in my house are going into my moms storage room) and find a box. She did. THEN, she came out of the back room with a box full of stuff and mom said she had no idea what it was, but, it looked like empty cig cartons. She asked mom if she could have it. Mom said, 'that belongs to Pat, you need to ask her'. My mouth fell open when she told me this. I was so fucking pissed. My mother told me I could use my brothers old room for storage until I move, she fucking promised me no one would go in there. I went back there and every goddamn packed box had been rummaged through and my cig rolling machine and all the cartons of papers with filters were fucking gone. I let mom have an earful for fucking me over again. AGAIN! And she said, 'well, I didn't know, I told her to ask you'. I saved to buy that roller, it's a nice one, not to mention the papers and other tools I kept in there. Man, MAN, she pisses me off.

But, the real object of my anger, was this audacious fucking askhole gimmie hog. How fucking dare she take MY things. I have already given her all kinds of shit, I even bought her one of those steam smokes. I give her rides, I do all kinds of shit I don't feel like doing, because she needs help. BUT, I am not her slave and I made that clear. If I want a day alone I will damn sure have it. Her ass survived before she met me, she'll be fine. So, I wasn't available to her for ONE day and that gives her a right to a free for all of anything I own??!!?? I can not even type my anger. I ...can't...even.

So the old lady says, 'well I told her she had to ask you, I thought she asked you.' I said, she most certainly did not ask me and you let her walk away with $120 dollars worth of MY stuff, that I need. I mean, wtf was this broad going to do with that stuff? She doesn't grow tobacco. She doesn't have the money to buy any. If she planned on rolling joints with it, they have fucking filters on them! She's a fucking idiot. I am on the fucking WAR PATH.

Mom yells, 'you can't go over there! Them people are dangerous! You can't go over there!' I said, watch me, bitch. (stupid cunt) I'm still walking slowly so I decided to drive. As soon as I got in my car, neighbor skeedadles into the house, and hides. Are you kidding me? I slammed to a stop in front of her dump and I can look back and see the old lady screaming for me not to go up there. Right. Like I'm going to let this bitch just take my stuff, stuff that I like and need and paid for, and just say, oh well. NO. A big giant bowl of nope. I was so mad I forgot about the pain. (I would pay later.) I didn't break my stride and marched right up to the front porch. I started pounding on her door, just like she pounds on mine every fucking day. I have never been to her house once. So, she's peeking out and pretending she's not home. I go past mountains of pure junk and start pounding on the side of her house and I'm screaming, open this fucking door! I go back to the front, still hollering. I am not leaving. I am not. I can hear that goddam Pit Bull inside going off. Too fucking bad. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!

She finally realizes that I will stand out there pounding and yelling until someone calls the cops. So she gives up. She opened the door, yawning, like I woke her up. Oh, yeah, here's your academy award, bitch. She said she didn't hear me and I said, oh yes, you fucking heard me. Did you take a box of my tobacco supplies out of my moms storage room? ANSWER ME! 'Umm, she stammers, umm, oh, yeah, I did, but, your mom said I could have them if I asked you'. I said. WELL YOU DIDN'T ASK ME, DID YOU? She says, 'you wouldn't answer the door'. I was just...I can't even deal with her logic. I said, are you kidding me? I wouldn't answer your endless knocking so that gives you the right to take my belongings?? I said, WHERE'S MY BOX, GIVE IT BACK, RIGHT FUCKING NOW. She went and got it. She starts bullshitting. "Oh, I put it right here on the table and I didn't get into it, I was waiting to ask you.' I went off like a fucking bomb then. I said, your sticky fucking fingers have been in every thing I own. I am so done with you. YOU'RE CREEPY. YOU'RE FUCKING CREEPY. Then I took my box and got in my car.

A minute later I see her dumb ass heading my way. I am dumbfounded, this bitch is crazy. If you think I didn't lay into my goddamn dumbass lying two faced mother, you'd be wrong. I put some fear into that dingy dwarf too. So as soon as neighbor hits the driveway, the old lady jumps out and says, 'you're not welcome here anymore, Pat says you're a thief.' I started laughing. The old bitch was shitting her pants (holding her phone, she has 911 on speed dial) so she put it all on me. Just like always. That's fine. I yelled, 'I said she was a FUCKING thief who steals from people who just try to be a friend.' THAT is what I said.

These goddamn no good bitches around here, man, they're just lame. No wonder they don't have any friends. I know one thing, Guntown Chicks can put the fear in North Omaha Ghetto women. You take that N word, ignorant, faux rap crap right on down the fucking road. Oh, and she went home and tied that humongous dump truck they call a dog to her fucking doorknob. To her fucking doorknob! I have news for her, I already know that dog. I make it my business to know the animals around here. I own that dog. For a can of Dollar Store sardines and a couple of....yep, Slim Jims.

Fuck people. I'll take animals over most people any day. I just knew the shit would hit the fan eventually, but, I didn't know she'd have the balls to flat out steal from me. It's good though, now I don't have to avoid her. She can fuck the fuck off to Fuckersville on the planet Fucktard and fuck the fuck out of herself.

PS, yes, Indie, that's YOUR box, YOUR mop, YOUR pile of mismatched sox. We get it. You're neglected. Hang in there, you know you're the only one who sleeps in my bed.


Anonymous said...

I love this post and the one below. Man, those chickens are big. I've always wanted a fountain with circulating water. They seem so refreshing. I am so pleased that Jag is doing great.

The neighbor, well, I've got a mighty fine vocabulary as well. The last time mine came out full force and full volume was at a census worker (midterm census) who had the nerve to come back 3 times and then bring the supervisor and threaten me with fines if I didn't answer their questions. Oh man, the whole town heard some language they hadn't heard in a long time.

I fear I may soon break out again. This is about medicine. With one of mine, they lowered the dose a year and a half ago (no longer make the higher dose), and then a year ago changed so you have to go to doctor and bring original prescription every time. Then the supply was interrupted & they can't tell you over the phone if they have it in stock so you have to go from place to place, in pain, asking. So the last few times different places filled it, but it's always on the computers. I can't just pay for it and be done, no they have to have the insurance. Dammit to hell. So then this time they tell me I need a booster pneumonia shot, and I said How do you know and they say, the notice came up on computer. SoI knew this intrusion would happen with computerized medical information, shared with every tom, dick, and harry in town. And I resent it and I hate the government and insurance bean counters, and it's got to come out. No wonder the doctor told me to try weed.

Dirty Disher said...

Can you believe the audacity of this chick though? Who fucking does shit like that?? I have met creeps before, but, this one takes the cake. Oh, I don't think I've mentioned that they got their kids taken away. For continuous domestic violence. And it's HER beating him. Not that he's wimpy, but, he doesn't hit her, not that I know. He pushes her buttons and she way lays him with anything she can fine. Last time it was a small metal safe! She busted his head. Jesus. That's why mom said I couldn't go up there. Shit too. Bullshit. That old lady has known me all my life and she still can't figure out who's dangerous.

And believe me I know exactly what you're talking about with the meds. I go through it too. Goddamn pain management is ridiculous. I mean, they make the stuff for people in pain, right? Then give it to us! Who gives a shit about the drug abusers, they'll always find a drug. It drives me crazy. If they have your records and scans etc etc. and they know you're fucked, why do they piss you around? God, I hate my new doctor, he's such a pussy. Fucking Tramadol. Jesus Christ. I wish I could drink.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh and yeah, the two original chickens are large. That fat hen, oh my, I can hardly lift her and she likes to sit on me. It's because they're meat chickens, I had no idea when I bought them. They get huge and have a hard time walking because they are designed to die at 6 weeks. My white hen is a happy girl though, even if she can't fly and she waddles. LOL. She's very sweet. That darn Rooster is ornery though. He's jealous of this baby coon. He hates to see it sit on me. We get the chicken side eye, which is unnerving.

Jane said...

For some reason North Omaha ghetto doesn't strike much terror in my heart. North Omaha ghetto vs. Guntown girl! How long has the gimme person lived there? Hasn't she learned yet?

Anonymous said...

I AGREee, tramadol is worthless. There is a muscle relaxer that I think starts with an R that is also as effective as an M&M.

The neighbor is beyond belief. Taking a shower all the time at somebody else's place is beyond the pale. Then, as you say, they use supplies and then steal your stuff. If she can throw a safe, she's strong enough to walk to a truck stop for a shower. No boundaries, these people.

Tried to hook my internet up and realized I don't have even 1 phone jack in the whole damned house. I'd think they'd automatically put them in. Troubles with contractor finishing and feel like shit and certainly don't feel like fighting. If I have to fix more myself, I want money for it. I'm not getting much for whole house furniture and replace all those doo dad items like hooks, picture hangers, thingies for the shower to put stuff on, all that shit that adds up like crazy. And a super duper air cleaner. Got one, not super duper enough. God I wish I felt better, didn't hurt, had energy---life sucks and then you die. At least I've got my Mikey and for 2 days my sister's vicious bouvier. Good with me and she love Mikey so I don't mind at all. She was sure happy to come over. This is about the only place she can go due to her attacking people and other dogs. Mikey takes his paw and slaps her in the face, and she kisses him. They are good buds. We gather dandelions for my sister's tortoise. She even bought seeds and planted dandelions but they didn't come up. Maybe I'll try. Otherwise it's back to taking a walk and pulling them out of people's yards. May your crazy bitch woman break both legs.

Lafonqua said...

Regarding that evil old whore who farted you out of her corroded snatch a gazillion years ago and continues to be a millstone around your aged neck: Can't you just stick her into a corrupt nursing home and be done with it?

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, never be fooled into thinking North Omaha is safe because it's in the Midwest. The 24th and Lake area is one of the roughest in the country and the gangs are way out of hand. I watched a shoot out there one time that blew my mind. A man died. So, this bitch has cred, but, she done pissed me off. I am really pretty mellow in general, so people freak out when I do get pissed. I don't think they expect it, so it blows their game.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, seriously? Not one jack in the house? What kind of dumbass cheap fuck does that? Contractors are such rip off artists. Man, I am so glad I have my cousin/brother working on my house. But, he's been sick lately and it's a worry. He says he feels fine now and is back at it, but, it makes me nervous. No house is worth his health and I'm not in a hurry. Not really. Those pups of yours sound fun. OMG, I have dandelions up the ying. How can you NOT have dandelions?? My chicks will eat them if I hold them out for them (spoiled), but, they prefer the clover. A tortoise, hu? What's the story on that? Where did it come from, how big is it?

Dirty Disher said...

Lafonqua, lol. She is presenting herself as of sound mind. Still. I can't put her anywhere. Old bitch face is still hanging in there too. Crazy as a fucking loon. My mother has to hide all Bitch Face's shoes, so she won't wander off and get lost. I wish she would get lost.

Unknown said...

Great stuff! You got rid of her. One problem less! Congratulations... :-)

Anonymous said...

Wankers like that make me fear the country. Kinda spoils the beauty there somewhat. Too bad neighbor and tuwella don't duke it out to the finish. And yeah my mother blames everything on me and gives me little credit, so I can relate to that.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable nerve. Ridiculous of your mom to let her in to shower. Seriously?
I am so glad that you went over and straightened her out. She needed to be put in her place, and that can never be accomplished gently with the truly overbearing and entitled. She picked the wrong person to mess with.
I'm sorry, but I find it hilarious that your mom is hiding Bitch Face's shoes so she won't wander off.

Dirty Disher said...

My mother is a very sweet nice, generous person, to everyone...but me. She's always been this way. I think I ruined her life and body by being born. Anyhow, I'm used to it. So, it was no surprise that she tried to help this neighbor. But, neighbor stole her Tide, her econo sized Dawn dish soap, her Clorox, her Dove bar soap, her oil of old lady, her Jean Nate'(lol)..all unopened. She was hot. Not only do they cost, but, Mom doesn't drive, so that's a trip uptown, right there. Man, she was pissed. Basically, this bitch just carries in an empty duffle bag and fills it up. I never thought to ask her what she carries in her bag. Who would? I've been missing tons of little stuff and I suspected, but, I am also absent minded, so I would never accuse her. I knew I didn't use all my new Georgio (my one splurge), but, I thought I could have set it somewhere and forgot. But, no. When I was complainging about it to her, it suddenly turned up..right back in the box! Half used. WTF, this was real Georgio, no way could I have used half a bottle unless I bathed in it. I thought maybe I was losing my marbles. How in the world did I misplace 7 sticks of deodorant (pre-teen kid, buys every product)? The more I look around here, the more empty spaces I see where shit used to sit. All beauty products belonging to one little diva. I just never noticed because I use so few products. My makeup bag is gone. Never noticed because I only use it once in a blue moon. Two expensive unopened big bottles of fancy shampoo ($15 bucks each, a gift to Lissa), A beautiful leather case of eye shadows, for Lissa's birthday coming up. Also a silk scarf, also in Lissa's birthday stuff. She made a real haul here and had the nerve to sit and drink my coffee while doing it. The shits of it is, if she had asked, there were tons of stuff I would have just given her because I don't use them. But, to steal a child's birthday gifts, really? From someone being a friend to you? How low. She played her card with the box of MY stuff though, because she couldn't deny it. I caught her red handed. I was so mad I was almost hoping she's come at me. I would have kicked her dumb ass all the way back to North Omaha. I am unstoppable when I get mad. Good thing I hardly ever get mad. It takes a lot. She's bragged/warned me many time about how she can sic that Pit to kill. I sure would have hated to punch her dog in the face. But, no dog would have stopped me. Bitch. I actually like that old dog, too bad he has such asshole owners. Give me half a chance and he will be living over here with me. He's smart enough to know I've been buying his dog food.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, yeah, I am SO done with her and him, but, not the dog. I'll make sure he eats. I have his flea meds too. I'll just wait until they leave and go treat him. They leave him on a fucking chain all the time.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, and PPS..get this. I told you the state took her kids, right? Her teen daughter is in missing child posters on FB, but, I say, leave that kid alone. She's found a better place to live. (with her BFF and fam) Her little boy is in foster care up the street. It's a good place, but, I get to see him almost every day, he visits me looking for Lis (who's still in KC) but, also, he just likes it here. I always have ice cream and time to chat with him. Amazing kid. And I just found out his mother is not allowed visits at all. That's bizarre. Something bad went down. I don't know what, but, it had to be bad. Anyway, I should take his pic with my animals and put in on FB with a happy cap. "Look who came to see Indie!" See, if I was really a bitch, I would do that. I won't, but, it would be fun. Fanning flames is not my thing. But, I didn't start this fire.