Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Play time at the Guntown zoo

                               play nice, he's just a little baby. Indie! I mean it.

                                       Indiana Jones! You play nice, don't be a meanie!

           OH! He bit you on the lip! Oww, that had to hurt. Sorry Indie. Hmmm, Coon 1, Cat, zero. That had to hurt his pride anyhow.  I forgot to tell you his top teeth came in. Work it, Jag. You may grow up to be a bad ass Guntown Coon.


Anonymous said...

Adorable little guy, and great job at getting action shots!

Dirty Disher said...

They're at it again. It sounds like someone is killing someone, but, they like to play rough. I didn't expect this so soon. Oh well, as long as they're happy entertaining each other. Jag gets worn out after he plays with Indie, he just passes out in my lap. It's funny. I sneak him back into his cage then so I can have some time to like, breathe, without him on me.

Anonymous said...

Watching animals play has provided me with endless hours of entertainment. I always stop what I'm doing and quietly watch, because saying anything breaks the moment. It's one of those pleasures that never goes away.

Jane said...

Indies 3rd pic: If eyes could kill!

Anonymous said...

Looking back at the pictures a second time, I love that little chubby belleh on Jagger. So cute!
I agree with you, Border. I love to watch animals play. Since Harley has gotten older, and has some trouble with arthritis, he goes to the loveseat, lies on his back, and thrashes and growls a little to attract Emma. She responds quickly by pouncing, growling, and mouthing him. They thrash and play, until they realize I am watching them. Instant stop and they turn and stare at me. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Jag still looks so small though much bigger than the first pics. How old do you think he is now?