Friday, June 26, 2015

Post from a comment, by Jane

Jane wrote.."I know everyone has heard about the shooting in the church in North Carolina. And I'm sure we all agree that the boy had a huge mental problem. Because of this, there has been talk of taking down the Stars and Bars flags in the southern states. The mayor of New Orleans has been confronted by some wanting to take down statues of Civil War soldiers. Now my question is this, how far do we have to go to erase the feelings caused by history? I am proud of our history. Not because of what it was, but because we have changed the way things were. And MOST of us are living and working to make things even better. Only a few fools fly the Stars and Bars and wave the flag in the faces of others trying to promote problems. But mostly, they hang in museums. Should we also be expected to take down statues? And what about the part the French Quarter played in slave trade? Should we close the doors of the buildings there that were used in the auctions and shut down the Quarter? How far are we expected to go?

The entire south is involved in history that wasn't happy. How are we supposed to get rid of things that remind people of a terrible time in the past? Where does it stop? Should we also try to stop the horrors of WWII?

Shouldn't there be reminders of the things that were so horrible that they should never be forgotten? Should we sweep history under the mat?

While I agree with the feelings of all these people, I also disagree with removing these historic reminders. I am in the middle of a rock and a hard place."
I was aware of this controversy and wondered how long before they came for the General Lee. It happened. Warner has decided to stop making Dukes merchandise with the Confederate flag on it. Fuck. I have no clue how most people of different races feel about this shit. I am white, so I can't say it affects me in any way, except that I think people who fly that flag as a symbol of racisim are pretty obvious about it and they sicken me. I don't want to hang out with racist idiots. I know it does not belong in any county or state building (or any other public place), except museums, but, to wipe it out completely seems ridiculous. It IS part of our history and the Civil War was not all about slavery. Anyone with a history book knows better. Slavery, as sickening as it was, is also part of our fucked up history. Seems to me that banning it (the flag) will only cause it to be collectible and people will hoard them and produce them illegally, bla, bla. I just don't know, what do you think?

And while I'm at it, do we really need this...

Rainbow crosswalks to support the LGBT community?? I know it's a different thing, but, sort of the same..I mean, wtf? How much did this cost and can't we all just be equal with or without a flag? HERE is the article on this. I want this country to actually DO what we said we were going to do and be about, I want us all to be equal. I don't want statues torn down or flags banned or crosswalks painted. I don't want history ignored, re-written or wiped out, but, I don't need any of this shit either. Am I fucked up? I know who the assholes are, they make it clear.


Dirty Disher said...

BTW, I forgot to say, that shooter looked both retarded AND crazy. He looks like Cousin Coat. Yeah, scary.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jane on this. The Civil War and it's symbols are a part of American history. You can't erase the past - only learn from it and hopefully implement changes to make things better. People racist people that hate don't need a flag or symbol for that. Hate runs much deeper than a burning cross, white hood or confederate flag. In my opinion this is just another bandwagon for the people of this country that can't think for themselves to jump on. Not to mention the cost. Seriously, who is going to pay to take down the "offensive" statutes and monuments? It will end up being the taxpayers of which only about 50% of us in this country pay.

As for the rainbow painted crosswalks...ugh. Make it stop. I happen to be gay. Happen to be in a committed relationship in a state where same sex marriage is not legal and I have never owned a rainbow flag or bumper sticker. Big friggin' deal. I've never felt a need to "be out" since I've never actually been "in". I'd rather be judged by my sense of humor, ability to make great chocolate chip cookies or my love of dogs than my attraction to men. It's stupid and a waste of money and energy that can be focused on something that does matter.


Dirty Disher said...

TJH, move here next to me! Houses are dirt cheap and same sex marriage is legal! Of course, the people are all nuts (I heard one chick lives with Raccoons), but, hey, we're entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Actually Pat that's not a bad idea. I think Gun Town is bigger than Bad Axe and thanks to you I got the gardening bug. When I was living in CA I never lived in a place where I had dirt - plus water has been a big issue there for a long time. But I think you'd approve of the roses I've been able to cultivate here...really very beautiful and of course the tomato's are just coming on the vines and I can't look at a green tomato where I don't think of you!!!


Dirty Disher said...

OMG! That's so awesome, thank you! Have you tried fried green tomatoes? They are so fucking good. Damn, now I want some. I think I saw some green tomatoes..on mom's plants. Heh, heh. (Make like a sneaky coon now.)

Unknown said...

Same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states now! Get hitched TJH!!!

Dirty Disher said...

I just heard!!! YAY!!! It's a great day for America!

Anonymous said...

I do know Black people who are offended by the flag, and I understand. One went on vacation to Charleston and was amazed at the architectural beauty of the houses and public buildings, then remembered under what circumstances and who built them. The timing may have off, though. Tearing down statues is obscene. What really bothers me is that the reaction to the slaying of 9 people is to ban a flag????

People, most of them, gave up long ago operating from reason and instead operate from feelings. Thus liberals call anyone who disagrees for any reason about any part of their current platforms are bigots or haters. I am extremely tired of that. Reasonable people can disagree. Liberals unfortunately have gained the reputation of not being liberal, not letting the other fellow have a point of view. I gave up being a liberal for that reason. I think I am very liberal but wouldn't identify as one if you paid me.

Dirty Disher said...

What do you call someone who doesn't give a shit as long as assholes stay out of my face and don't hurt anybody? Whatever that is, is what I am. I don't even want to take racists right to hate away, I just want them to keep it to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Pat. I don't know the word you'd call that, but I'd be happy to be one, too.

Dirty Disher said...

They should be happy just sharing their mutual hate. They don't need to ever hurt anyone, if they do, we HAVE laws about that. They just need to realize that they're considered idiots because of their stupid bigotry and shut up..unless they're in each others company. I like it when they reveal themselves on that facebook thing. BAM! Banned, shut off, whatever you call it. You find out the damndest things on there. They sound retarded. Even my redneck cousins are trying to stop saying some words. I'm kinna proud of them.

Noelle said...

I think there be a hyper over reaction to the confederate flag it has many meanings to many people. It's been around for awhile.
Gay pride rainbows though? The symbol for a very meaningful fight for rights. Wonder what will happen to all the Pride celebrations? I think one day 6.26. the day SCOTUS ruled would be great day to celebrate rainbows. I will never forget hearing the news I was with my engaged gay friends and I saw how happy this made them and felt it.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for replying to these posts so late. My son just got the computer up and running again, though I don't think it will run for long.
I do not think that we should cave or give in to those who would remove the Confederate flag from public display. Nor do I think any statues or anything else should be removed. This is the start of a very slippery slope for our nation, and I want no part of it. While I am at it, let me just say that I want no part of any racist displays of that flag, or anything else, either.
If we give in to those perpetual whiners who want all the Confederate flags removed, and all the statues, memorials, etc. removed, where will it stop. The same sort of assholes are already calling for removal and burning of the American flag. Not on my watch. I liken the removal of things such as this flag, to trying to hide the Holocaust. This is something we can never do. It is our duty to preserve the evidence, and call attention to what happened. The difference between where we were, and where we are now. It would be dishonest, and I think it would show disrespect to all those who suffered as slaves. We must show that flag to draw attention to those who were kidnapped, tortured, abused, and spent their remaining days as slaves. They played a huge part in making this nation what it is today. They didn't mean to come here and work as slaves, but their contributions need to be acknowledged. We can never step away or avert our eyes from the sacrifices those people made, or the terrible situations that people on both sides of the battle endured, and many died under. It needs to be flown as a warning to those who would try to lead us down the paths to a splitting of our nation, under any circumstances, again. To remove those flags and memorials makes us liars, and paves the course for history to repeat itself, if not exactly, then somewhat of an approximation of the thinking, and actions taken.
This fourth, I am going to fly the flag, decorate my front door, set off fireworks, and I promise to take a flaming dump on the pointed head of anyone who tries to stop me.