Friday, June 26, 2015

Rescuing Baby Raccoons - How to feed and raise coon babies

 WOW! This is an awesome video! I didn't expect this, but, I agree with everything she said, she knows exactly what she's talking about. Even if she is a beautiful model. She has the ideal set up too. I wish I had that enclosure, but, I don't. I never needed one in the country, but, now I'm in town. I know this will be harder. My alternative to keeping my boy out of the cage is to just keep him with me all the time, so he doesn't cause trouble. It's going to be tough, but, I took him on, so it's my job. I can't let him go until he's ready and can take care of himself. He's so far from that, and so are the ones in this video. I'm glad they were eventually released. That is so cool.

ps..I also hated that their mother was killed, but, you have to understand, she was in someone's house. That can scare the fuck out of an average person and it can be dangerous. I get it. I hate it, but, I get it. Sometimes it just can't be avoided. I woke up to hell on earth this morning and if I wasn't familiar with Raccoons, I think I would have been shooting it up. Out of fear! But, I know them, sort of. They live under my house. Crazy mama got into it with a big male and the babies went up a tree next to my bed. They screamed and fought until the walls shook. I ran out and joined in, yelling at him, brandishing a golf club at the male. He was a stranger to me. It was light out, I could see them all. Crazy fuckers. Mama is still mad at me! She's growling right now. I was on her side, doh. Man. I think she realizes that, she just still really, REALLY pissed. She's right under my feet.


Dirty Disher said...

When I move, my next house, basement, attic, is going to be SO fucking sealed.

Anonymous said...

I have an area next to the bedrooms that gets no water to it, but still remains lush and green. It's the favorite mating area for cats. Swear to god they'd wake the dead. They used to be able to get in the garage and I was loathe to close off their shelter but their peeing got out of hand. So they are stuck to their outdoor area and I try not to fix up shelter for them outside. I'm an idiot, so it's hard not to.

Dirty Disher said...

We have a new pee-er. He's the ugliest cat I have ever seen. Mom said she's feeding him, which is code for he's ours now. I said, well, you'd better put him in a carrier so I can take him in. Which is code for, get that stinking son of a bitch neutered or I will back the car over his scraggy ass. These animals all take up all my time and all my money. Why do I even like them???

And yeah, cats are horrible screamers. You can't sleep through that, for sure. But, Coons are a horror movie. I want to record what I hear sometime. It makes me pee my pants sometimes before I get fully awake and realize it's just animals.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh and you would not believe how many times I have been called to investigate a ghost or a haunting and sat for hours in the dark only to have to tell people, 'you need a live trap'. ~Shakes head~

Anonymous said...

bwahaha love it. You get paid for this I hope.

Forgot to mention that my border collies are still around, I just know it. And Ron came and checked out the place a couple of weeks ago. He opened the refrigerator and looked around and investigated it. You could absolutely tell by the distinctive sound of the doors opening, and also that there is nothing else in the house so every sound is magnified. Mikey went in the hallway and cocked his head and wiggled his butt and whined a little.

connie45 said...

I just came back from my morning walk (45 minutes and I stink!) and saw yet another dead raccoon in the middle of the street. This one didn't even look like a car had hit it. Just laying paws up. Its getting so warm here and critters are desperately searching for water. The watering restrictions here which equal brown lawns and desert landscaped yards equal no water sources for them.

Anonymous said...

They're smart enough to know it's your house and that they were trespassing. They sound like my brother who thinks every disagreement has to include anger and blame. Har har.
One came through the fence midday while I was in the shed - right in the city - and diffidently watched me while trying to decide if s/he should keep going through my yard - maybe to the compost bin? but soon decided to slip back through the fence. I was surprised since I hadn't seen any in broad daylight in the city.
I've always liked them since I was 10, when we moved to the burbs and a family of four lived in the huge tree close to our back deck. In the dark they would all four stand on hind legs facing us with their arms stretched out to the sides - four white bellies begging for food. My father would give us bread to throw and eventually I wound up on the lawn passing strips of bread to them by hand, which they snatched with a growl. I got it, though, growling was fear and a warning.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, I do for myself, but, I get paid on a 'give me whatever you think I deserve' basis for it. Some people are VERY generous and some people can't pay and that's okay. I have had some real encounters too, so it's cool. I totally believe you have visitors. There is no doubt in my mind. Enjoy them.

Connie, oh, man, that just breaks my heart. I hate suffering, I can't stand to think about it. Can you put some water out for them?

4:04:00 AM.. they think it's their house and I just live upstairs from them, I think. When the babies are grown, it will be time to seal the entrance while they're out foraging. They can't hurt anything under there, but, they're too loud sometimes. They aren't dirty, like people think, mama keeps a clean nest. But, I think females with babes are a bit dangerous and I don't really want to live with her. I won't let the kid go out in the back anymore. They've taken over out there. The ones you had sound cute, like the ones I feed. Yeah, they're growly, you got it. They sound much worse than they are. They do love to bite though. Not like, bloody, kill you stuff, they just like to bite. They bite each other all the time.

Anonymous said...

Adorable little girls. I really love that he surrendered his cowboy boots to the coons, and they were all over the boots. I wouldn't want to care for them myself, though. I know my limits, and she is over there, sleeping on the couch. :)