Thursday, June 18, 2015

Someone desperatly needs a stylist

 It's said Britney spends over 70 grand on clothes every year, not counting all the crap she gets for free. Yet, THIS is a look? Gawd, she's just so sad and adolescent. The shorts are cute, the rest of it I don't even understand. What's with that peplum thing wrapped around her boobies? It wont even zip up. The shoes are creepy left over 70's disco shit and tell me how the 'Indian inspired' jewelry even works here or anywhere else. This girl/woman needs help with styling. It's just awful and she's so cute. I just can't understand her fashion tastes...or that fucking hair either. I liked the bald look better than this flip thing. Well, I guess it could be worse. We haven't seen the pink wig in a long time. Pink wig Brit means shit house crazy Brit. But, she's still a little crazy if she thinks this looks good.

                                                                 Weird. Just weird.


Unknown said...


Dirty Disher said...

LOL, good word for it.

Anonymous said...

Such a trainwreck. I wonder if people in her circle try to tell her, gently, how to dress, but she is like a child you can't reason with? She may just be adamant that this is how she wants to dress. Sad. Just another symptom of being a little detached from reality.

connie45 said...

Someone needs to
Garanimal-ize her wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like she just threw on whatever was handy and went out. I look pretty damned bad too.

Anonymous said...

This is weird. Maybe if you're so rich you just don't give a damn. Still I don't think the most generic and popular styles suit her. She's so naturally good looking but it's almost wasted on her.

Pat - could you do a post where we reveal the worst outfits we've ever worn? Now decades later, I feel a need to confess somewhere and I don't have a blog!

Susan said...

Jeez, some cut-off jeans, plain t-shirt and flip flops would be cute. I think she even put effort into what she has on, and it doesn't make any sense. I actually feel sorry for her, I don't think her mind is quite right yet, even after all this time.