Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Actual letter to Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Brett," mistakenly used the dog's toothbrush from the bathroom cabinet. I had it in there with a bowl of homemade doggie toothpaste that I was trying on the dog. I didn't realize it until just now. Should I tell him? -- QUIET SO FAR IN VERMONT
DEAR QUIET SO FAR: If I were you, I'd open my mouth and "SPEAK!" before your husband does it again. If he's grossed out, it will be no more so than the rest of us who read your letter. From now on, keep Rover's toothbrush in a different location.
Best answer in comments, Rob 1 hour ago
"LW#3 - I wouldn't say a word, but I would see if I could feed him some fancy dog biscuits, or some of that really fancy dog food - you know, on a bed of rice maybe, couple of roasted veggies placed around it - when he comes home from work, take him out to the yard and play a little 'catch' - just keep throwing the ball a little past him - scratch hime behind the ear and tell him what a good BOY he is.
See how far you can push it before he figures something is up."
Those Abby commenters are fucking hilarious. But, I have to wonder wtf kind of people don't even know their own toothbrush? Do they just grab any toothbrush, because that's gross. It grosses me out way more to think of using someone elses toothbrush than just using one someone has forced on a dog.


Kitty said...

My sister and I have the same colour toothbrush and type, we're still able to tell them apart. Plus who keeps the dog's toothbrush in the bathroom with the other ones? At least put in a separate drawer.

Anonymous said...

Oh for god's sake I'd die if I used somebody else's toothbrush and I think I am one of only a few who feel that way. Couples casually use one another's brushes. I wouldn't couldn't ever do that.

But you never tell anybody what they did when it's the dog's toothbrush used by accident. You just move it and ignore it. If he uses my toothbrush deliberately, you kill him. Unforgiveable.

Once I made a huge pot of dog food and had it in the fridge and my cousin, who was living with, came in late at night and ate it. I did say, you ate Lassie's food, not to make him sick, because he said it was good, but because I was annoyed but at least relieved to know what happened to it. I was pals with a boy when I was about 7 or 8 who ate dog bones. Not my kinda deal. Bet you could pass off some of those gourmet dog or cat foods onto a plate with rice and noodles and it would pass real well.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if I would tell or not. What would be the point? And yet, if you did tell them, maybe they wouldn't be so darn quick to grab whichever tooth brush they first see. His first clue should have been that it tasted like poo, milk bones and dog butt. If I did that, it would take me a long time to get over it. I once was eating cantaloupe. Finished, and then fed the puppies with the same fork. I forgot I did that, and started eating again (damn you, cantaloupe, for tasting so good!) It's been years, and that feeling is still with me.