Thursday, July 2, 2015

I NEED a photo of a kitten right now

I need that. I just got sucked/linked into watching some Manson stuff. Someone is making a new movie of those psychos and for some stupid reason it caused me to look up more on Terry Melcher and The Beach Boys and all that crap and then I got Manson and oMfG. I hate those Manson people. I hate him too and I really hate people saying he was a talented musician. He was not! He was a mediocre piece of ordinary crap and his music SUCKS. It sucks! Don't make me throw a fit. God, why is he still alive? He scares the shit out of me because you just know some of his fucking 'family' are still out there. And he has new followers. Shit. People wonder how I can be like I am, not really afraid of spirits or hauntings or wild animals, but, I have nightmares of people like Manson. They're real, you don't need a fucking EVP machine or wtf ever to know that. (btw, if one more ghost hunter explains EVP, I may go on a rampage. Shut the fuck up ghost hunter, everyone fucking knows.) I hate Manson. Please, kitten, get him out of my head before bedtime. People are way scarier than ghosts or mad Coons under the house.

Hit ESC, hit ESC!!


Dan Zinski said...

Dennis Wilson was really a chump.

Dirty Disher said...

He was. He was a little scary himself. I guess good looking, but, in a psycho way.

Anonymous said...

I admit to not knowing that much about him. I read all the papers, and watched the news when it happened, but have not really followed up since. I just feel such sadness over Sharon Tate and her baby. Wonder if Roman Polanski would have been the screw-up he is, if she and her baby had not been murdered? The whole thing is horrifying, how a man could mind-control people (mostly women, right?) to murder innocent people. He shouldn't be alive.

Dan Zinski said...

True story: Charlie Manson learned to manipulate people partly by studying Scientology.

Dirty Disher said...

He mind controlled people who had a weird streak to begin with, that's the only explanation. I was one fucked up teenager, but, there is no way I would have given him the time of day. He's ugly, for one thing. I never understood the attraction. Ukkk. You know who reminds me of him? My psycho cousin, Joey. I mean, I knew he was sort of crazy/fucked up, but, I had no idea he was insane. He fooled me. But, I don't think Charlie could have because I find the looks of him so repulsive. I also, as fucked up as I am/was could never hurt anyone for someone else. That shit makes zero sense to me. The thought of sticking a knife in someone or even an animal..eww god. A bucket of nope. Plus I've listened to the vids and tapes of an early Charlie and he sounded crazy as a loon from day one. WTF was wrong with those people?

The Sharon thing. Her begging for her baby. I can't even deal with reading about that. How the fuck does someone do that...for him??????

Melvin, are you serious? I don't know if you're serious.

Dirty Disher said...

ps..I have done a shit load of drugs in my day too. LSD, sure! Want to kill someone on it? NOPE. WTF?

Dan Zinski said...

Yes I'm serious, Manson studied Dale Carnegie and Scientology. He also may have been an adherent of this Scientology-derived Satanic group.

Jane said...

I think Jag is ready to write that one great novel.

Dirty Disher said...

Melvin, thanks. I thought I had read it all. Man, I think Scio is pretty scary but, throw Manson in there and jesus.

Jag is writing his titty sucking memoirs. If he doesn't wean soon, I may lose it.

Anonymous said...

That photo of Jag makes me laugh - he's going to be half human by the time he's a teen