Sunday, August 2, 2015

Happy Sunday and great news

I wonder how you open this thing? It has such good stinky stuff in it! I think mom pushes this thing here. Hmm. I've watched her do it. I want in! I want it!

Hey, this is interesting. I wonder what it is? Oh, hey, you can chew and pull it and it just keeps coming! It's like magic! Wooo! And there's lots more of it too!

Hey, will you guys help me? I can turn the water on, but, sometimes it's hot! Tell me which thing gives me nice cold water, will ya? Oh, play dumb then. You guys are such pussies!

Fine, I'll just turn them both on. Ha! I don't know how to turn them off. Mom gets so mad. Hee Hee. Uhh oh, here comes mom and she's yelling something about her talcum powder. I think it's nice. I dusted everything with it. What's the problem?

Oh, baby! Look at all this good stinky stuff! Mom says it's trash day and I know what that means. It means she's gonna throw out all the good yummy stank. She makes me so mad! I'll woof and growl!

Okay, mom woofed and growled back and it scared me and hurt my feelings. Maybe if I lay in here and sleep on my good stanky stuff she won't take it. She loves it when I take naps, for some reason. Umm. This stuff is nice,  yawn. I really like...zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Mom woke me up, throwing out ALL the nice stuff. She says I am not allowed up here because of this is Indie's bed. Indie is a push over. I'll show her who can't climb. Hmmmf.

Ha ha, told ya! He won't even know I'm here. I am so, so sneaky! I'm a Ninja. It's a gift.

I can't stand it when I'm awake with no one to play with. I'll just tickle his chin. Indie! Hey!

Uhh oh, I think I went too far. Indie slapped me and mom said I had to take a real nap. Bummer, but, I was kind of tired anyhow. Tearing up the house is hard work. Yawn. Night, night. Oh, mom said we're going out for a walk outside later. I wonder what that means. I'll let you know. ZZZZZZZZ.

I hope you enjoyed my silly, but, probably true story. I know the way he thinks and it's diabolical. And yes, he really can turn on the faucets. He's a pill. BUT, here's the great news. I have my Wild Animal Rehabilitation License back!! Or, I will have it in the morning. Angie was right, I have to get my Rabies shot. I have scheduled that for the am. I already took the test and aced it. And they accepted my references for experience (since most of them were Parks and Conservation people.) After the shot, then I will file my papers and we will be LEGAL!!! So, suck on that troll! I have been worried that troll might be mean enough to have him taken from me and if she had done that, he would have died. They imprint on their mother and usually won't eat for anyone else. Unless it's a re-hab person who knows how to make them eat. It's very, very, tramatic and they will starve themselves and self harm. At this age, he also could have gotten so scared he'd fight and the results would have been horrible for Human and Raccoon. Besides, I am the only re-habber in this town, so he would have probably been put to sleep if they couldn't have shipped him to another place. Now, I have no more worries and soon you'll see him on Facebook too. Aww, I love the little guy. So, far, he is not mean at all to anyone, just ornery. Of course, he has no testicles yet. When those drop, things will change. But, for now, all is good. I sure never thought I'd need to be licensed again when I moved to town. But, even though I can't have a zoo, like I used to, I can still help 1-3 wild animals every year and that makes me feel really good. Oh, and the license is good for any Iowa animal, mammal, bird, reptile, invertebre and amphibian! It specifically mentions Raptors, wow. I specialize in Raccoons, Badgers and Great Horned Owls, and other large Birds of prey. But, I'll take in anything they have. I told them I was interested in Bats, because they've been so short handed for Bat carers. I know little about them, so I could learn so much. So, wow, my Summers will be interesting from now on!

You guys are always with me when I have bad news or shitty days and I so appreciate that. It's nice to give you some good news for a change.

ps..Troll, don't try to pull a fast one. First, it's Guntown, so the cops won't come for a Raccoon that hasn't bitten anyone and isn't loose. You have to call Des Moines and by the time they get here, I'll be legal. Technically, I am now, since I have papers and everything except the shot which I can prove is scheduled. So, ha ha, you missed the "S.S. Fuck The Disher" boat, you mean, ugly, whore.


shelly said...

Yeah Pat! What's your FaceBook name? I want to add you, if you don't mind.

Dirty Disher said...

Pat Harbin Jones.

Anonymous said...

I am at work and this is totally off topic, but I can't help myself. You should look up Roux the white pomeranian, sneezing. I have lol'd over this too many times today. I'm going to go watch it again before I go back out there.

Anonymous said...

This makes me so happy!! Such good news!

Beth in Portland.

Anonymous said...

I am home now, and the narrative of George Cooney' s thoughts is too cute! I bet you really are chanelling what he is thinking. The pictures of him snuggling with Indy are adorable.
I am appalled that anyone would try to intercede in your care of little Mr Cooney. That is just sad and disgusting. I guess time weighs heavily on the hands of those with low IQ ' s. What is most troubling is that this had the potential to harm or kill your little guy. The person who has been bothering you clearly has no life, and nothing but a tiny, shriveled black turd where their heart belongs.
I am glad that you have all your papers in order and can continue your good works without having to worry anymore. I am also glad that you will have a rabies shot on board. I like knowing that you are safe from those things that are preventable.

Anonymous said...

Gee the troll doesn't have a nasty comment to make? Got to love the low lifes that hang out on the internet and bully people. In the real world they are scared little bitches that nobody acknowledges so they are so bitter. I don't comment much Pat but have read your posts for years now. I enjoy what you share and wish you well.

Bill the Prison Guard

iambriezy said...

Awesome news! Congratulations! I loved the day in the life pics. I can't believe he can turn the water on! That cracks me up.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, everyone! Yeah, he turns the water on, then gets distracted and leaves. I just check it, like 50 times a day. He's into everything now, but, I will not leave him caged. He does get nap time, like a child. That's my break time. Today he stole cookies from Lis. It was hilarious. I saw him sneak under her low table and this hand would slip up and bam, big cookie gone. She didn't catch on until he'd eaten three of them. LOL! He did really well on his walk and tonight we took one in the dark. At first he was scared, but, then he got into it. We explored an empty house and found a great mud hole. He caught a cricket!

The Rabies shot is a series. So, I'm not done yet. It's not bad though. I got all my papers filed and fees paid!!!

Jane said...

i'm glad you got all your legal stuff done and started your shots. For how long will the shots be good?

Dirty Disher said...

They are good for the next 10 years! I plan to live at lease 8 more years, until I see Lis graduate. I will fight hard for these next 8 years, so I can leave her set up pretty damn well. She will own a paid for house, a paid for car, her college is already paid for and she has a few bucks too. That's pretty damn good for Guntown. Hopefully, I have taught her to make right choices. Then, it will be up to her. But, yeah, I'm disease covered. Now you don't have to worry about me petting Badgers and playing with the cute Bats. LOL.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, the dog sneezing is hilarious. I just had time to look it up. It was worth the search. I should put it on here.