Monday, August 3, 2015

Wanna get pissed off??

Meet Kenlissia Jones, she's 23 years old and she was charged with "malice murder" and possession of a dangerous drug. Wanna know why? Because this woman was pregnant with her third child, she had no money and no access to medical care and no way to care for another child. So, she ordered a drug off the internet, an abortion drug, Cytotec, from Canada. Apparently, it works. She delivered her 22 week old fetus in the back of a car. It died. Of course it died! It was too young to live, it was supposed to die! Are you mad at her? Yeah, it's gross, but, this woman felt like she had no other choice and for all she knew, the drug could have killed her too. It certainly might have at 22 weeks. But, when a woman feels like she's trapped with no choices, she really doesn't care if she lives or dies anyway. Oh, did I mention that Kenlissia Jones is mentally ill? Yes, she is. And she had no access to psychiatric care either. The charge of "malice murder" comes with a death sentence or life in prison.
Her brother said he doesn’t know whether his sister understands the gravity of what she did and the legal trouble she now faces. But he suspects she was desperate for a way out.
“The family is poor, so there’s not a lot of funds and everything,” Riggins said. “She felt like she didn’t have any money to get an abortion the legal way, and so as a result of not having money and being in a position of no resources, she ended up doing it the illegal way to not bring another child in the world … to not burden anyone else or burden herself.”
That story is HERE. But, a death sentence for a mentally ill woman aborting herself at only two weeks past the states legal limit for abortion seems pretty crazy to me. Beyond crazy. Why are poor women not helped to state funded terminations?? Why? Because the bible says...shut the fuck up. Seperation of church and state and you know it.
Not pissed off enough yet? How do you feel about forced the United States!! Yes. It happens. A 27 year old cancer patient, Angela Carder, was very sick. She had a rapidly metastasizing tumor in her lung. Medical staff recommended a C-section, the goal of which was to "rescue" her fetus. The thing is, Angela had dealt with cancer since the age of 13, she knew what was up. She knew that she wouldn't survive much longer, she had already lost one leg and her hip to the cancer. But, she desperately wanted to try to carry her baby as long as she possibly could to give her child the best chance of surviving. She wanted a live baby. She told medical staff NO to the C-section. Even her own personal doctor didn't think it was a good idea to intervene on the baby's behalf until at least 28 weeks of pregnancy. Her family begged medical staff to please respect Angela's wishes. They didn't think she was strong enough to survive a surgery. But, she just might have been strong enough to carry the fetus to 28 weeks, when it would be considered viable. Her lawyer stepped in too, with frantic calls to a judge to order a stay against the unwanted surgery. It didn't happen in time. Despite Angela's begging, the hospital medical staff operated on her and removed her much wanted child. It did not survive. Angela, heartbroken and weakened from the surgery, passed away two days later. (source)
WHY? What possible difference would it have made to obey Angela Carder's wishes? She was an adult, of sound mind. WHY? Why can a woman not decide when to carry and not carry?? I know most of you understand how important the right to choice is, but, to those of you against termination, can you now see what can happen when we, women, are not allowed to make those choices ourselves??? Yeah. You can be forced to have an abortion, even if you desperately want that baby you are carrying in your own body! Think about it. It could, and I'm being real here, it could become like China, where if they catch you carrying a second child in secret and you aren't able to pay the second child fine, they handcuff you and take you in and force you to abort. And they do not care if you are 7-8 or even 9 months along. You will be given injections that basically burn your baby alive, cause you to deliver in agony and that is that. People reel in horror at those true stories, yet don't realize that forced abortions happen right here in the land of the free too. They do, and if we don't fight for our rights nothing good can come of this. Nothing. Please, think about it. I am crying right now. I can't help it and I can't stand it. I am just so fucking mad and heartbroken for women with no choices in what is probably the biggest decision we will ever make in our lives. One that affects us forever. And what the fuck do men know about it?? What?? May all the powers of the Universe help us if men continue to make laws about our ovaries, uterus and vaginas. We will need all the help we can get before we all live in a state of  'A Handmaiden's Tale.' Or worse. I want my grand daughters to have choices I never had. I demand it as an equal citizen of the United States Of America. Equal. Rights.

A Chinese woman, crying, looking at her dead child which was killed by a forced abortion. She was in the last trimester and tried to hide it, but, authorities caught her and took her in. At least in this place they didn't use the burn drug. Still, she wanted her second child very much. The look on her face haunts me and that's why I looked up this picture.

You have to separate yourself from your personal beliefs when it comes to choice. Me, I personally hate the idea of late term abortion for abortions sake. I think you had enough damn time to make up your mind before the last trimester, BUT, if I do not let another woman choose that, if I try to make that choice for her, guess what? My view could backfire on me. And just like the women in the first two stories, someone I love could end up in jail or dead or having a much wanted child cut from them against their will. I have to let that late term or any term choice be on that woman who is actually carrying that fetus. It is not my choice, it is hers. Any horror or guilt or medical outcome is HERS and hers alone to carry. It is her right to choose for herself. Forced birth can never be right, just as forced termination can never be right. Women are people who can think for themselves, we don't need men, laws, the bible or anything else to help us or make us decide what's best for us. We are not feeble and not children.


Erin said...

Amen! Wish we could vote you into the government for women's rights! I couldn't agree with you more!!

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for the poor woman in's a communist country and they can step in and do whatever they want...that is the definition of communist....but here in California anybody can get an abortion for free. It's called Obama Care and Planned Parenthood will be glad to give you the details. Medical care has always been free and available in this country which is why Obama care is such a sham.

Dirty Disher said...

Erin, you're so sweet, thank you!

Anon, you don't have to be an anon. Planned Parenthood is an awesome organization that is under attack right now. Women in many states have no access to it at all and with no money and no insurance (not even Obamacare) they are dying from ovarian, cervical and breast cancer detected far too late and they are giving forced birth to children they can't take care of without welfare. Medicare, in this state, is only available to women who have dependant children or are disabled. The clinics are far and few because of the war on women that's going on. With one tiny rule made into a law, they can end a whole clinic. They know how it works and so do I. We are in the midst of a war to keep out rights.

Dirty Disher said...

Also, I am NOT highlighting any words, so if you see that, like I do, well, hmm, I wonder why? Is blogger anti-choice?

Jane said... always, I'm off topic, but when Erin comments, she always has a pic of Billy. There he is kissing a dolphin. He is just too damn cute. Love the pic Erin.

Now back to serious things.

You had mentioned at some point the separation of church and state. I think that was a joke from the very beginning. Church is all over our gov't. You see it everyday.

Anonymous said...

Well there perfect person. Tell us about your life? Your such a saint have the courage to tell us who you are in life. But you wont because your a scared coward. Shit my dog does more for anybody than your pathetic ass. Have you ever had sex with a partner? Hands don't count.


Erin said...

Thanks Jane! It was the experience of a lifetime. Billy and I had so much fun. Can you believe he's 3 1/2 already??

Dirty Disher said...

People who want to post lies and insults AND remain an anon...shall not.

I agree, that photo pf Billy looks like an ad, he's so cute.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, yes, you are right. It's not separate, but, it's supposed to be. It is our constitutional right. Right to lifer's don't get that. If they infringe upon our rights with their religion, it will backfire on them eventually. They just won't wake up. We must out vote them and stay on top of ALL laws concerning women's issues. They are a sneaky lot. With that one tiny law they got passed about involving hospitals they closed all the clinics in one state. We missed it. We thought it was harmless. Just like this horror law about invasive internal ultrasounds. OMG. I have had those (not for preg), they are not pleasant and there is NO need for them. Only RTLers think they will instill guilt.