Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bloody fun

You think you've won because there's blood! I have another arm! Bwaaa ha ha! I'm going to get you!

This is when most people become afraid of them. This is when I think they're the most fun. This young adult stage. That baby stage is sweet, but, THIS, omg, I love it. You can boot them clear across the room or yard and they come right back with a grin. I only give up when he finally gets the prize..my hair. Then I scream. He chitters with delight and I have to pry him off my head. Yeah, we play rough.

Today we discovered frozen peperoni. It's his meat popsicle!


connie45 said...

Yikes! Normally I would concede defeat if my blood was drawn maybe even throw in a big shiny trophy. It's different if its ones own loved pet. Can you tell yet if there will be a point of no return? When nature wins out over nuture?

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, most likely there will be a real showdown soon. He's just playing now. He is SO much heavier than he looks. And bigger than the pics show. He's incredibly strong, kind of like a monkey or chimp. He's a blast to play hard with, and no, they don't really hurt you when your playing. I'm safe. When he gets serious, it will come when I least expect it. That's the way it always is. He will most likely bluff me first. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but, I just love them too much to fear them. I aint right in the head. He's already bitten me hard once, but, then he made nice and it was so clear to me that he jumped the gun. He's not ready to leave yet. He did make it several hours alone last night before he jumped in the window and begged for me to open the door. He'll get there.

Dirty Disher said...

ps. that blood is from a bite, not a scratch. But, it wasn't intentional. He just got excited to play.