Tuesday, September 15, 2015

woman convicted of impersonating a penis owner

Gayle Newland was convicted by a jury of pretending to be a man with a peen to seduce a woman who only likes peen, but, would have sex without ever looking at who it was she was having sex with. I know..you figure it out. HERE is the article. I think they both should be locked up. One is a fake and the other one is just plain stupid. And I have only one question after reading all that..how the hell do you go on a date to the movies with a blind fold on???


Jane said...

I really don't know how people can be so stupid. I read the article and I'm still amazed at what runs through the brains of some people.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she should have bought brains instead of a pink penis.

Frimmy said...

"...they were both attracted to women but weren’t yet out to their friends and family."

Problem solved. At least one of them is out to the entire world now.